Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Jared Bates:

I was hunting for Melissa, a year twelve pupil in my chemistry class chasing up a piece of coursework that was due in this morning. I knew she’d be in the sixth form common room as it’s her group’s normal socialising place however I didn’t expect to see Amy in there too. Just walking down the corridor leading to the room I could sense and smell the path she had taken, I could tell she was close.

“Wow you’d look stunning in this” I heard Ellie squeak

“Dream on at one hundred and thirty pounds I could buy six dressed for that price”

“This is the dress Frankie wants, she was talking about it in the canteen. Except this time her parents said they wouldn’t give her the money” it’s a good job, I know Frankie and I’m aware of how she sponges off her parents she isn’t interested in her education all she’s worried about is having the latest designer clothes, it’s about time her parents stood up to her.

I detected a hint of disappointment in her voice although I could tell she was trying to hide it.

My sensitive hearing latched onto their voices even though I was still a big distance from the room.

Entering the room he unique scent hit me like a brick wall it not only comforted me but whenever I smelled her I was excited to see her, to speak to her, to be close. She eyed me with annoyance in her stare. I assumed she’s still angry with what I said to her but she’ll get used to it, she has to.

I knew how I made her feel and that alone makes me grin, when she sees me with that look on my face she probably thinks I’m mocking her when in fact it’s the complete opposite. I’m grinning with pride and achievement because she knows I know there’s something there and that annoys her, she doesn’t want to show her feelings- I don’t know why but it’s something I will find out.

I saw Melissa, the girl I was looking for, at the back of the room sitting round a table laughing with her friends. I asked Melissa where her Chemistry coursework is and as I spoke to her I glanced at Amy, she almost shot me an evil glare as I pretended to be listening to the excuses Melissa was feeding me I looked back at her, I couldn’t help it- I need her so much. They’d turned the screen on the computer off, gathered their bags and left- she’s obviously still trying to avoid me.

The bell sounded and everyone evacuated the common room, I needed to get back to the classroom for afternoon registration where I could keep an eye on Amy for twenty minutes. Before leaving I quickly took a seat at the computer Ellie and Amy were at and turned the monitor back on intrigued by what Ellie said Amy would ‘look stunning in’. It was a clothing website displaying a light cream dress with a dandelion pattern on it, I pictured Amy wearing it and mentally agreed with Ellie- she would look stunning, it’s a classy and sophisticated dress and definitely wouldn’t suit Frankie because she prefers to have most of her boobs on show.

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