Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One

I persuaded Ellie to skip registration with me on the condition that I told her what happened when Jared came round last night. We sat in the girls toilet for fifteen minutes…can I just say this is the first time I have ever skived. I feel like such a rebel.

“Then he said ‘There’s only so long I can wait’, what does that mean?” I stood squinting and chewing my lip as I thought.

“Only so long he can wait…until he moves onto someone else?” Ellie suggested sitting between the sinks swinging her legs.

“Why would he say that? That’s basically saying ‘you have two days to say you want me then I’m going onto the next girl on my list’” he just admitted it’s not just me he has a fixation on.

“How did he say is?” she asked, I had to laugh when she said it.

“He sort of…growled it,” now Ellie was the one laughing.

“He didn’t start barking as well did he?”

“I didn’t mean he actually went ROAR, it was like low and husky?”

“You mean like sexy?” we were both laughing so much we had tears in our eyes.

“Yes…I guess so. Anyway forget about that what day is it today?”

“Guy Fawkes!”

“And what does that mean?”

“Bonfire night, sparklers and fireworks!” she squeaked excitedly.

“I wish one of us could drive so we didn’t have to get the bus everywhere.”

“I just don’t have time for driving lessons.” I sighed.

“I just can’t be f*cked.” Ellie said bluntly.

The bell interrupted our conversation signalling the start of our day; let’s just hope I don’t bump into Jared. I don’t want him questioning our absence in registration this morning.

“Ahh I love this time of the year,” Ellie rubbed her hands together. We sat on the bus kitted up in our hats, coat’s and gloves. We were off to the annual firework display in town; it wasn’t a massive event there was normally about one hundred and fifty people turn up.

I sat thinking back two years it was the last Bonfire night me, Ellie and Lizzy spent together. All of our parents came with us and I can remember now, standing together with Lizzy in the middle of me and Ellie, we were so protective over her. She’d always been the brave, strong and prettiest out of us. But when the treatment of her brain tumour started over the weeks she lost weight off her already slender frame leaving her looking emaciated. She grew an unhealthy shade of pale with large bags under her eyes and she even lost her gorgeous brown hair. She wore a purple knitted hat because she’d lost all her hair due to the chemotherapy she was receiving. As the firework started going off I linked arms with Lizzy like I never wanted to let go, and I didn’t, never did I realise two months later she’d be…gone.

We arrived at the town’s annual Bonfire night and it was already packed, it was being held on the sports halls playing field. The centre of the field had been sectioned off with hazard tape to keep people away from the huge Bonfire as it burned brightly and from where the organisers were setting up the fireworks. Most of the town was here and you couldn’t walk two metres without recognising somebody. We chatted to Charlotte, Kayleigh and Kelly before me and Ellie maneuvered our way through the crowd to get to the front of the sectioned off area where we had full view of the bonfire.

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