Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Jared chuckled under his breath “What’s so funny?” Ben was irritated that he’d stopped retaliating

“You should’ve seen the look on her face” Ben boasted

“Excuse me?” he growled through gritted teeth, all trace of friendliness and humour disappeared from Jared’s face

“I bet she was dancing with joy when I asked her to the Christmas party. Poor little Amy the loner that hangs around with one friend and never gets invited to any parties.” Ben mocked Amy “She’d never kissed a boy before but I soon took care of that when I had her pinned under me”

Pure anger boiled through Jared’s veins, the pathetic lowlife standing in front of him has had his hand all over her “When I started pulling at the button of her jeans that’s when she started getting frantic, she was trying to get me to stop but she was probably wanting it more than she was letting on-“

“Shut your filthy mouth” he growled fists clenched by his sides

“-however I must admit, she does have a nice body. Very nice and…firm if you know what I mean” Ben winked at Jared knowing he was going to flip at any moment “…you know the thing I loved about her was the smell of her hair, the taste of the skin on her neck and lips… but then again you’ve never got close enough to know what I mean, and you probably never will” Ben wanted to rub salt in his wounds.

Jared turned around swiftly, shaking and trying to keep The Black Shuck at bay “aww where are you going Sir, I hadn’t finished yet” Jared disappeared behind a tree removing his clothes one by one folding them in a neat pile by a tree stump “I wanted to tell you what I was planning to do to her…” Ben quietly followed the trail he’d seen his teacher stomp off in “If she didn’t get me in the eyes with deodorant I would’ve taken her right there. On the floor.” He taunted still not being able to see Jared. The way she waltzes around at school acting all innocent. She was practically begging for it” The Black Shuck loomed behind a tree as Bens voice came closer, the leaves crunching under his heavy feet “In fact. I didn’t finish the job last time did I? When I see her next…I might just have to try again-“ The Black Shuck pounced from behind the tree, leaping through the air with his teeth bared. In milliseconds the hound had tackled Ben to the ground; the force hit him like a brick wall. The Shuck made sure it was quick and the least painful he could, no matter how much he wound Jared up being mauled to death is not the best way to go…

Minutes later and Jared had returned to his human form, he took his time getting dressed and dusted his clothes off he walked away feeling that justice had been done…

Jared stood in his kitchen daydreaming remembering how good it felt to kill the scum that caused Amy harm, ‘the taste of the skin on her neck and lips but then again you’ve never got close enough to know what I mean and probably never will’ Ben’s voice rang in his head, it made him crave her even more. He couldn’t wait until Monday, the first day of the new academic year; he wanted to be in the same room as her and to be close again.

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