Chapter Six

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Part Six

I woke up groggily the next morning and peeped at my clock on my bedside table- 10.23am- I spent the rest of the day going through my work making sure it was completed to the best of my ability whilst talking to Ellie online, before I knew it once again it was dark outside and it was only half past four. My eyes ached with irritation from staring at paper and the computer screen all day

“Dinner’s ready!” mum shouted from the other side of my door, I flinched slightly causing the pen on the paper to go off course leaving a jilt in the word I was writing. I literally ran downstairs to be greeted by the smell of spaghetti Bolognese and garlic bread my stomach growled with excitement. Me and mum were sat downstairs on the sofa watching a film when my dad came in from outside wearing his overalls they were drenched in grease and oil, he was about to sit down at the kitchen table to take his muddy boots off

“Don’t you dare think about sitting on anything wearing that” my mum complained

“Hey dad” I said before shoving a fork full of food in my mouth

“Hello dear” he replied “I guess I’ll go take these off outside…in the cold and wind” he looked to my mum and pleaded trying to gain some sympathy

“…go on then” my mum said bluntly. He sighed and returned outside as the door shut mum laughed

“You’re so mean” I moaned

“He likes it really” she said with a smirk

My parents rarely fight; if they do I don’t know about it. I think it’s because they don’t take things too seriously and at heart they’re both still teenagers in love.

It was Monday morning and I was so glad I got a full night’s sleep I feel so awake and fresh, the only thing I can complain about right now is how bloody cold it is outside. I waited at the bus stop and saw Ellie approaching from down the lane that was heavily engulfed in thick white fog

“Good morning” she shouted cheerfully, like normal it was just me and her at the stop. “I bet you can’t wait until this afternoon” she raised her eyebrows suggestively. She’d confused me, what was happening this afternoon?

“…your quality time with Mr Bates?” she hinted after I didn’t answer, my eyes widened when I remembered we had our individual tutorials today. Okay maybe I have two things to complain about one- the freezing cold and two- sitting opposite Mr Bates for fifteen minutes while he asks pointless questions.

Our first lesson went pretty fast  then we had a free period so we sat in the canteen with the laptops borrowed from the library, I was on a revision website reading about psychology while Ellie regularly laughed while watching a video of a talking cat online, I occasionally had a peek at the screen finding it pretty funny myself.

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