Chapter Twenty- Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Saturday night

The sun was close to setting, the horizon was a beautiful orange tone followed by a small layer of pink then many different colours of purple and blue. The cold autumn air was refreshing on my skin as I calmly walked between the ancient forest trees. The soft breeze made my blood red cape gently flow behind me while I soldiered on. To where? I didn’t know. In my right hand I gripped onto a straw woven basket which had an item in it covered by a white cloth. Everything was so calm and peaceful I could walk this path until my legs grew sore. Roughly one hundred meters down the mud trail a figure appeared from behind a tree. His face full of vengeance and evilness, my paces slowed until I was able to put a face to the person. Ben. I stopped dead in my tracks, the fear I felt locked in a room with him returned. The panic as he had me pinned below his weight, he marched towards me with fists clenched. I was alone with nobody to help me, anxiety build in my chest and stomach because for some reason I was unable to move. Stuck to the spot. A pain so bad I wanted to be sick invaded my head. Screaming was no use because I couldn’t open my mouth, my body had become stone unable to move or react. He’s coming for me, to finish what he started.

The worst feeling of fear ran up my spine as he approached faster and faster with pure anger in his eyes. Why can’t I do anything? Why is no one here to help? My breathing ceased as I awaited physical abuse.

In the corner of my eye a blur of black travelled across the forest floor and crossed the diameter of the woods disappearing for milliseconds behind trees. A growl as loud as thunder echoed through the forest and soon enough the blur was airborne leaping through the air. Things seemed to play in my head in slow motion which abled me to recognise the black blur as the hound that recently I’d became friendly with. The wolf hit Ben with force, its razor sharp teeth bared. I was finally able to close my eyes to block out the view of Ben meeting his fate. Five, four, three, two, one. I counted in my head before peeling my eyes open. My canine friend and saviour stood where Ben previously did, it’s icy grey eyes gleaming with protectiveness. Relief washed over my body when I was able to take a step forward planning on going to thank him. One step forward and the wolf turned and trotted off behind a tree except it didn’t appear from the other side. Where has he gone? I wondered for a few moments.

My gaze was attached to the tree it had miraculously vanished behind. I waited and waited getting more emotional.

Another figure appeared from the place the wolf had vanished from, a smart tailored black suit made my heart skip a beat and the fear from the pit of my stomach was replaced with butterflies. Jared Bates. My eyes welled up with stinging tears, tears of happiness and relief. He was here now nobody could hurt me.

“Jared!” I ran towards him as he stood in the middle of the path staring back at me with his gorgeous greyish blue eyes. His arms opened ready to embrace me, when my arms fitted under his and he pulled me into his chest I had never felt more comforted and at home. After a short while he released me not saying a word, for some reason I felt like I had to give him something. He looked at me wonder like I was the most special thing in the world, the way any girl strives to be looked at.

With no control over what I was doing I reached into my basket under the cloth and pulled something out. A sand timer? What? Why was I giving him a sand timer? Sadness and depression washed over his face as I placed it in his waiting hands. I looked deeply in his eyes as he stared back with sorrow, looking down at the sand timer I realised the sand from the top had almost gone filling up the bottom. He held it in his left hand as he reached to hold my hand in his, he forced a soothing smile. The sand fell through the hole it kept falling and falling.

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