Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I closed my eyes for a short second and took a deep breath in through my nose and slowly exhaled before opening my eyes again. Standing at the front of the classroom was Mr Bates holding a stack of papers, his eyes fixed on me he tilted his head slightly like he was trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Ellie shook my arm “What happened?” I averted my eyes away from Mr Bates and turned to Ellie “Ben came into the toilets demanding for an explanation on why I wasn’t answering his messages and calls. He totally flipped Ellie…he punched the tissue dispenser right off the wall and I was standing a few centimetres away from it. I seriously thought he was going to hit me”. I was trying to act calm but inside I was frightened of this guy he literally changed overnight.


“Fu*k” I cursed quietly, my hands gripped my chest with shock

“Calm down someone dropped their folder on the floor” Ellie whispered explaining the noise

“I know, I know it’s just I’m a bit on edge”

Catching a glimpse of the front of the class Mr Bates kept looking at me from his desk, normally it wouldn’t annoy me that much but at this moment it’s getting on my nerves. The register was called and Sir was reading out some notices about after school clubs and exams a few seconds later the bell sounded for first lesson

“Amy could you stay behind for a minute please” he said casually. Urgh can my day get any worse? Students drained from the classroom and Ellie waited outside. Now is the time to act normal, I can act normal can’t I?

He sat at his desk “take a seat” his eyes directed me to the chair

“How are things?”

“…work load is fine, doing well in exams, getting on well with my classmates, life at home if fine and I’m not getting bullied” they are the main points teachers are interested in and I answered them all in one sentence… which means this conversation should be over pretty quickly. He laughed a little “I meant how are you?” his grey eyes stared into mine

“It’s the same thing isn’t it?” I looked down at the desk trying not to get drawn into answering anything, I’ve never been good with eye contact it just feels so awkward.

“What’s going on?” he asked seriously

I shrugged “Not much”

“So there is something?”

“Nope, there’s nothing” I answered automatically

“So why did you look like you had just witnessed a murder when you came in, then jump out of your skin when you hear a little noise”

I really wanted to ask him if it was any of his business but that would probably land me in a detention

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