Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

I spent the whole of English staring at the whiteboard not actually reading anything from it just gazing into space; it’s so boring without Ellie the day just seems to drag on. The only part of the lesson I heard was that we have homework that needs to be handed in on Monday. It looked like it would take about an hour or two and I’d be needing books so I have no choice but to stay after school and do it in the library. When lunchtime arrived I sat with Jamie and his group of friends, they were nice people and everything but I couldn’t handle being with them every day.  Last lesson in Psychology I sat on my own being the loner that I am, when the bell sounded the corridors filled up with students that were hyped up about the weekend. I miss those days when we were young and everything was sorted out for you, the days when I actually saw my parents, they all looked full of life where me on the other hand probably looked sleep deprived and had at least an hour of homework to do.

When I arrived at the library there were a couple of people working on laptops and burying their heads in books, I sat down in a quiet corner which was surrounded by book shelves and got my English book out. I kept staring at the clock wishing I could do this homework quicker, today I had no motivation to work what so ever.

My hand was numb and aching after I finished the last question, it was ten past five and it was pitch black outside, the librarian was tidying up as I exited into the corridor. There was nobody around and it felt so unordinary how silent it was, normally the hallways are buzzing with noise but it was as dead as night. As I started waking I planned out my weekend- I have the house to myself so I think I will get home stuff my face with junk food then fall asleep on the sofa watching films tucked up in my duvet, I smiled at the thought, also I have no homework so I can just chill out for once. I turned the left to make my way to the staircase that went to the first floor. Before I could stop I had walked into someone’s chest before apologising I looked up to see it was Ben looking rather angry. Without a single word he roughly grabbed my arm and swiftly forced me into the nearest empty dark classroom, slamming the door and twisting the lock.

“I saw you this morning!” he growled marching towards me

“So?” I squeaked innocently staggering backwards  

“You and Jamie looked quite cosy together. He had his hands all over you!” he pointed his finger angrily. That was a bit of an exaggeration Jamie was just being friendly. For a second I had to think about what he meant then I remembered this morning in the corridor. Yes,  Jamie he had his hands on my shoulders- it’s not like he tried to get off with me, Ben has serious anger issues and it’s quite scary being shut in a room with him acting like this. I kept a large distance between us

“What do you want me to say?” I pleaded

“To say that you want to be with me, but you’re making it so hard to be together when you flirt with other boys” he paced up and down with his fists clenched

“I told you I don’t want to be together” I muttered nervously, he furiously marched towards me making me feel suddenly suffocated

“Yes you do, remember what a good time we had at the party?” Ben grabbed my wrist in a steel grasp shaking me, trying to make me see his way of thinking.

“You spent the whole night staring at other girls Ben” I whimpered my hand tingling from short supply of blood

“I don’t want them I want you!” he growled through gritted teeth, why hasn’t someone come to help me. There has to be someone left at school that saw me being pushed into this room. Maybe he’s confused and he doesn’t understand that I don’t like him. I’m going to have to spell it out for him…again.

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