Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

I awoke at half-past one in the afternoon on Friday which was a new record for me, I don’t know where the time went. I felt a lot better than I did yesterday and a refreshing shower woke me up. I’d changed into some black skinny jeans and a plain white vest top leaving my long blonde damp hair to hang halfway down my back.

I had a dream about my Nan, I was little and was playing outside in her garden when my granddad was still alive. I happily skipped inside to the kitchen where she stood peeling potatoes in the sink, I asked when lunch would be ready and she smiled and told me “In twenty minutes, you go outside and ask granddad if you can help water the plants.” She gave me here sweetest smile. I went outside and watered the garden then I heard her call me “Amy, lunch time.” I ran inside into the kitchen and she was sitting at the table with her back to me. I hurried to the other side of the table and struggled onto the large chair. When I finally sat down and looked at her she was like she was last week. I screamed and cried but she just stared at me with those haunting empty eyes.

For the rest of the afternoon I chilled out on my bed eating and doing a bit of Biology revision hoping I didn’t miss anything vital at school.

“…Cardiovascular diseases of the circulatory system, for example, coronary heart disease…” I stopped as I heard the faint noise of the gravel crunching and the purr of an engine. I looked up from my text book and frowned. Within a few seconds my front door was being opened harshly. For a moment I thought I was being burgled.

“Amy!” a familiar growl came from downstairs. I still sat cross-legged thinking about what I should say, he can’t be that angry over a few texts I forgot to send can he? He’ll probably run back out when he sees me with no makeup on looking like I’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards. As his footsteps grew closer I shimmied to the side of my bed where I placed my feet on the floor and stood up. Simultaneously Jared marched through my bedroom door fists clenched and jaw tensed. Just as I’d stood up he was lunging at me forcing me backwards to fall onto the bed.

I stared up at Jared leaning over me with his piercing grey eyes that I’ve missed so much. Since I’ve been away something has changed, I feel more comfortable around him. I think the experience has made me realise that people aren’t going to be here forever and that we need to make the most of the time we have together. Live life to the full. Maybe I should be with him while I’m still here and not over one hundred miles away in London.

“What was the last thing I told you to do when you left?” he asked through gritted teeth.

“Yeah about that, I kind of forgot. Sorry,” I apologised nipping my bottom lip between my teeth with apprehension “I’m alive though sooo…no harm done.” I smiled innocently.

“No harm done? I have been going out of my mind with worry for the past two weeks,” he growled. I couldn’t help but smile while biting my lip trying to hold back the laughter. “Oh it’s funny is it?” his tone lightened.

“Sorry,” I said trying to pull myself together.

“It’s too late for that. I think someone needs to be punished,” his mischievous smirk made an appearance. “Oh and another thing, I didn’t get to finish my kiss before you left.” His eyes narrowed as if in thought then travelled from my head to my chest and back up hungrily.

Slowly he leaned down, my eyes were entirely focused on his lips waiting for the contact. The second our lips touched I forgot about all my worries. It felt like me and him were the only people in the world. Like our first kiss in the cupboard at school he captured my bottom lip which he seemed so intrigued with. With every sensation my excitement built. I guess it’s true, you don’t know how much something means to you until it’s gone. He hungrily devoured my lips and for the first time our tongues touched, that’s when a low throaty growl sounded through our kiss which made a shiver of excitement shoot up my spine.

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