Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

I was in the same room as Mr Bates for one and a quarter hours, the way he was looking at me today was weird, only because no one had ever looked at me like it before. Since our little chat last week I felt more confident around him but that’s not to say his presence itself doesn’t make me nervous. Every time he looked at me I seemed to look up at the same time resulting in our eyes locking for a few seconds. He never told me the reason why he wouldn’t let me out of his form group and said I’d work it out soon- I hope I do because it feels like I’m in the dark, it’s getting on my nerves that he knows but he won’t tell me. For all I know he could be as possessive with everyone in this room and there’s me thinking I’m special.

Lunch Time

I was being squashed in the middle of a large crowd in the canteen; all I wanted was a sandwich and drink. There were kids from year seven to year thirteen in this room and I was stuck in the lunch time rush. I felt an elbow hit me in the arm and turned to see a year ten boy pushing his way to the front of the queue

“Excuse me, wait your turn please” he just laughed in my face and I was quite taken aback by how rude he was.

“Do as she says and get to the back of the queue” that familiar voice came from behind me, I couldn’t help but smile as his presence made me feel at ease. He squeezed beside me “Follow me” he ordered with a grin on his face “Excuse me…sorry…excuse me” he said as we slowly moved through the gathering of children. Because he was a teacher everyone automatically moved out of his way, it was almost like watching Moses part the sea. We finally made it to the tills where he let me in front of him “You look very beautiful today” he whispered from behind me

“…Thank you” you won’t find many men who complement you like that, does that type of man even exist?

“I love what you’ve done with your hair too” I felt him play with one of the curls that hung down my back. Isn’t he worried that someone will see? I paid for my food and thanked him for getting me to the front so quickly and once again I felt his eyes glued to me as I walked away.

“Ahh home time at last” Ellie sighed

“…well for you anyway. I’m going to the common room to do homework and try to get this English essay finished”

“Awwhh Amy it doesn’t need to be handed in for another three weeks, you don’t need to do it all in one load” she moaned

“I know I don’t have to but I can’t sleep at night when I have loads of work, it’s for peace of mind”

“Urgh alright I’ll come help you”

A short walk down the corridor and we arrived in the common room, nobody used it after school but I prefer to do it here than at home because all the books I need are here and I get easily distracted at home. We sat down at the small circular table and arranged my books on the surface; I took a deep breath in before niggling down to work.

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