Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

I was livid but managed to contain it as I held Frankie’s wrist in the air. Nobody hurts Amy.

I told her and her friend to leave the school and that’s exactly what they did. She didn’t have the balls to answer back to a teacher. I’d been standing in the corner of the hall for two hours making sure everyone behaved themselves but mostly concentrating on Amy. Earlier me and Amy had a brief encounter by the drinks table. I knew someone had put a bit of alcohol in the drinks because I could smell it a mile away. It didn’t bother me that much because everyone was sixteen to nineteen years old they knew how to handle drink…with the exception of Amy. I knew she wasn’t a drinker, she didn’t go out to house parties, clubs and I don’t even think she drinks at home. She wasn’t so drunk she couldn’t walk or talk but she’d had enough alcohol to give her a bit more confidence, I could tell by the way she was speaking to Frankie.

“Ellie could I have a word?”

“Yes” she said cheerfully. We moved to the side and left Amy swaying side to side oblivious of what was going on.

“I think I’d better take Amy home before she does something she’ll regret.” I watched her in the corner of my eye, at least she was a cheerful drunk and not an abusive one.

“Okay and thank you. My mum was going to pick us up but if she sees her like that she’ll tell her mum and get her in trouble…this isn’t a regular occurrence by the way. This is the first time Amy has ever been drunk, I have never seen her like this. Oh and…” she dug her hand in Amy’s basket on the chair “here’s her phone and purse.” I put them in one of my pockets.

“That’s okay. When she wakes up with a hangover in the morning I’m sure you will never see her like this ever again,” I laughed “See you next week.” I gave her a friendly smile, her and Amy were the only two girls in this school who didn’t look at me like a piece of meat and treated me like a human being.

“Come on Amy it’s time to go home,” my fingers easily wrapped gently round Amy’s bicep as I lead her towards the hall exit.

“Oh hello Sir,” she slurred a bit while looking up at me. If it wasn’t for me holding onto her she’d be on the floor by now judging by the way she stumbled along

“Let go!” She moaned quietly trying to pull her arm free. Thankfully there were very few members of staff here and nobody was paying any attention to me leading Amy out of the hall. When we came out into the quiet dim corridor the music turned into a blur, Amy pulled violently so I released her arm- I really didn’t want to hurt her.

“Thank you.” She said sarcastically and moved a few steps away from me “I’m not going anywhere with you.” She waved her hands around trying to make a point.

I’ve had so many experiences with women who pretend to be drunk, for example about five years ago I met a girl in a bar we sat together and had a few drinks which I had bought, she asked for vodka and coke but I just got her coke. An hour and a lot of drink later she was giggling dramatically, basically acting drunk, but I knew she hadn’t had more than one glass of alcohol. This had happened many times before that- I just don’t understand why girls think it is attractive to act drunk. However it was the total opposite with Amy, I don’t even think she knew her drink had alcohol in it.

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