Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six

“Long story short, it’s basically become my job to serve justice where it’s deserved.”

“You mean like Christopher Handson?” I asked, he was the man who was found not guilty for sexually abusing a child even though there was plenty of evidence.

“Yes,” he stared at the floor like he hung his head in shame “You’ve got to believe me I don’t choose to do it. It’s like people with OCD if something isn’t the way they like it then it will keep bugging them. It drives me insane when someone has done something so horrific, so inhuman and then they go on living their lives happily while the victim and their families are affected. It makes me sick.”

So basically he sentences people to the death penalty? There’s two sides to this argument some people could say killing someone, even if they did commit murder, is wrong because it goes against their human right- the right to life. However if someone murders someone else they have given up their human rights which includes the one to stay alive. Is it wrong that I agree with what he does? Think about it, if someone close to you was murdered, raped or subject to any other horrific crime would you want the person to be punished by death? I certainly would.

“What about Ben?” as soon as I said that name his head shot up to look at me, we sat in silence for a few seconds. If he says yes I will feel like I murdered Ben, I’ll have the weight of his death on my shoulders. His grey metallic eyes melted into mine,

“I’m sorry,” it felt like I’d been stabbed in the heart my hands clasped over my mouth in shock. I imagined Ben being mauled to death by the wolf, Jared. “He said he wanted to finish what he started. I wasn’t going to let that happen Amy.” He shook his head. A lump rose in my throat, my eye stung as they filled with tears. What else isn’t he telling me? My head began to hurt it felt like I had brain freeze.

“So you killed him for me?” I asked concerned. He stayed silent and looked at the floor. I feel like I’ve killed someone, like I have his blood on my hands.

“Amy what’s wrong? You’re bleeding,” he asked concerned as he got up and kneeled in front of me. I dabbed my finger under my nose and as I expected the nose bleed attacks again.

 I had to get away from him. I got up from the sofa and ran up stairs to the bathroom locking the door behind me. Since I’ve been getting closer to him my nosebleeds seem to be a regular occurrence. I put the toilet lid down and sat on it while squeezing the soft part of my nose.

Technically he’s a werewolf and if they’re real what other mythical creatures exist? Vampires, ghosts, aliens, fairies? After a few deep breaths I unpinned my nose, stood up and looked in the mirror. My cheeks had basically no colour in them, my pale face was like a blank canvas the only colour was my piecing bluish grey eyes peering back at me. As I ran my hand under the tap and washed away the blood beneath my nose my attention snapped to the bracelet I had been unable to get off for PE numerous times. Thinking back to the other week when I was shopping in town and nearly got mugged the men were suddenly afraid when they saw my wrist, maybe it was the bracelet? I mean it was posted through my letterbox without the sender’s name, one of them said ‘leave it she’s been tagged’ and ‘it will come for us’ maybe it has something to do with him.

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