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Danielle P.O.V.

I was sleeping like a baby, when I felt my blanket being snatched off my body. "Lets go. get up" A demanding voice said. I opened my eyes a little to see that the Emotionless Man was standing right over me, with that face of his.

His looks can really kill someone. Well anyone. The man was fine he's just a asshole.

"What?" I groaned, "I said get up. Let's go"

"Why?" I asked, closing my eyes. I didn't hear anything from him. "You didn't answer me so therefore I'm not going nowhere. I'm staying here" I threw the blanket back on me and turned over on my right. Just as I was about to fall back asleep, I felt the blanket being snatched from my body and this time I screamed, sitting up in bed quickly.

He had a strong grip on my bandage thigh, making it hurt again. He is such a asshole for sure. "Get your ass up" His face came close to mine, "So we can go, and if you don't do what I fucking say, I'm going to feed your body to the fucking bears in the woods" He said with a serious face and I don't he was joking.

God he was mean. How can you be so mean but yet so fine

"Okay?" He pulled his hand off of my leg and I sighed of relief. I glared at him, as he waited for me to get out of bed. I rolled my eyes, getting up out of bed. "Now go get dressed" He coldly said, walking out of my room.

"Asshole" I mumbled, rolling my eyes.




I sat down to eat breakfast with Gina, and Archer. I really like Gina because she was a really sweet and nice person, and besides Archer being really fine and his accent, he was a really cool person.

It was under my skin to know why Lukas was the way he was. He's such a asshole who can care less about anybody.

"What is wrong with Lukas?" I asked, looking at the two. Almost everyone stopped what they were doing in this house. Damn I only asked a question. Gina looked at me.

"Danielle He wasn't-" but she was cut off by Archer. "Gina you know we aren't suppose to tell anyone that story"

I had a confused look on my face. "Why?" I asked, just as Archer was about to talk, Lukas came walking in. His face still looked the same.

"Alright let's go" He looked me in the eyes. I felt our gazes and for the first time, it felt as if we were the only two people in this kitchen.

He must've felt the vibe because he advert his eyes to Archer. "Archer get Davina. I think I'm going to need her for today"

"And what about me?" Archer asked. "You can come or not, I don't care" He said to Archer.

Archer got up from the stool, walking out of the kitchen. He looked at me. "You done?"

"Yeah, I'm finished"

"Can I come?" Gina asked, looking at her brother. "You come with me? I don't think so" He said, causing her to drop her mouth.

"Why not?" She asked. I wanted to know too.

"Because of that Bastard. I'm not stupid Gina" He said and walked out of the kitchen.

"Wow" I scoffed. "I know" She said. I looked at her, she was looking down at her food.

"Danielle Let's go!" I heard him yell. I scoffed.

I'll get up when I'm ready.

"Danielle, My brother is waiting on you" Gina said. "I heard him. I'll get up when I'm ready"

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