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Lukas P.O.V.
I called Gina more than 5 times and she didn't pick up. What the hell is going on?

"Archer!! Run down Ginas phone" I yelled, walking towards my office. Something is off. I can feel it.

Davina wasn't nowhere to be found, Gina wasn't picking up her phone and Danielle surely wasn't picking up her phone. Where are they?

When I went in my office, I saw Gio in here with Angelo. What the hell where they doing in here? Better yet what were they talking about?

"What the hell are you two doing in here?" I asked, looking back and forth towards the two of them.

Gio cleared his throat, standing up. " Me and Angelo were just talking, nothing important" I arched an eyebrow, looking at the two of them.

"So why are you in my office if it's nothing important?" I really wanted to know why they were in here.

"Where is my sister?" Angelo ignored what I just asked them.

I shrugged, "I don't know they didn't come back and they're not answering their phone" I said, "but I still want to know why you guys were in here"

"Let's go find them" Gio started, walking from my desk. My phone started vibrating in my pocket and I got it out of my pocket.

I looked at the caller ID to see it was Danielle. I sighed of relief, picking her up. "Danielle, I'm glad you picked up. Don't scare me like that"

I heard a deep chuckle on the other end of the phone. "Wrong, it's not your girlfriend"

Please don't tell me she got kidnapped again.

"She's not my girlfriend" I said, getting mad. I told Davina to take guards with her but she said she had it. She never really liked for the guards to follow her, now I'm guessing she wished she should've.

"Lukas do you know how many people want you dead? Well all the gang groups want you dead. You were good killing the vice gang but... you missed one" The man said over the phone. He sounded like he was Mexican.

"Why do you have them?" I asked. He didn't say anything but chuckle. "Why do you have them?" I asked again and this time I wasn't in the mood for playing games.

"Cause you have someone I want, followed by some products" He said, which I arched a brow. What do I have? I don't even know who this is.

"Who are you?" I asked, which he gave me that deep chuckle again.

"Hola to you to Luka" Then I realize who it was, it was Miguel Hernandez. The leader from Los Reyes Matan. Miguel Hernandez was three years older than me and he wasn't a good leader when I came to San Diego.

He still wasn't a good mob leader as I see it.

"Miguel... I should've known. What do I have that's important to you?" I asked him and he sighed.

"Lukas, You know what you have that's mine... give it back and I'll give you back your little Chicas... I don't know maybe three and leave the pretty light skin one. Until then...."

He didn't say anything, but that until I heard someone panicking. "Lukas!! Please help us!!" Danielle yelled into the phone. The line went dead, making me clench my jaw and remove my phone from my ear.

What did he want that was so important to him? "ARCHER!!" I screamed, slamming open my office door through the hallway. I'm getting all three of them back because I knew how Miguel was... he would use them as prostitutes and I don't want my sister in no part of that shit.

I saw the way he looked at me. "Miguel will not give them back until I give him back what I got from... problem is I don't know what I have of his" I said and Archer arched a brow... but then he looked like something just clicked in his head.

"I think I know what he wants Luke and he's not going to like it" Archer said which I arched a brow. I still want to know why he's not going to like it... What did I do?

"We also need products... we're not going to give him the real things, just the fake shit and if we need to get Gina, Danni and Davina, we've got to roll in deep" Archer nodded his head and started tying on his phone. Miguel wasn't just going to let us get them easily, it was going to be hard for us to get them.

"What about Aurora?" Archer said, I was about to huff out in annoyance but I forgot Angelo was standing in the Hallway, with my Brother.

"I forgot that she was with them, we'll save her too" I said, which I saw Angelo nod. I nod my head looking at the three of them.

"Okay then it's settled... we roll in deep" I said, looking the three of them. I was going to get the girls back even if I died getting them.

I had everything planned out for what we were going to do. I needed to plan more to see if this was going to be my final plan. I was in the dining room, looking over the map that I made of Miguel's Warehouse to make sure I got everything.

"Figilo?" (Son) I heard mother say but I completely ignored her. I never talked to mother like that anymore. She was also one of the reason why the love of my life died right into my arms. I forgave mother over the years, but I wouldn't forget the things I went through.

"Figilo, I want you to know... I love you and be safe to bring your sister back" She put her hand on mine but I brushed it away. I think this made her mad because when I glanced at her she had her arms folded.

"Why are you like this Lukas... I am your mother, Perché mi hai ignorata?" (Why are you ignoring me?) She questioned me and I sighed, throwing my pencil down.

"GLI HAI PERMESSO DI ABUSARE DI ME!!! Ti sei seduta li ' E hai finto che avessi una bella vita, fingendo che mio padre mi amasse..." (YOU LET HIM ABUSE ME!!! You sat there and pretend that I had a good life, Pretend that father love me...) I felt my eyes getting watery, which meant I wanted to cry but I sniffed, sucking it up.

"Ma ora volevo sapere perche ' non gli importava di me. perche ' ha abusato di me?" (but now I wanted to know why father didn't care for me? why did he abuse me?) I said, which she didn't have nothing to say after that. I bitterly chuckle, gathering the paper up and started walking but stopped.

"You know what I think... I think you didn't care about me either" I stated, feeling myself get madder by the minute. I really hope I kill someone today... maybe that'll cheer me up.

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