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Lukas POV

When I parked the car at my club, I've noticed cars here. They were definitely not my men. I took my key out the ignition and got my phone, leaving out the car. I locked my doors and went inside my club, seeing Angelo giving instructions to one of the construction workers.

"Yeah put it right-"

"Angelo!" I called out, he stopped talking and turned around. He grinned, and started to walk towards me.

"Hey! Luke!" He pulled his hand on for me to shake my I ignored it. "Come on Luke for o-" He has his hand stretched out but I slapped it away from me. "I don't know what the hell you are pulling... but you can't take my club and tell your sister to get the hell out of my house"

He cocked his head to the side and his eyebrows went up. He moved his head back to normal and chuckled, straightening his black jacket. "I've seen that you've gotten brave Lukas"

I just fold my arms, "I've been brave" He laughs, folding his arms. I didn't see anything funny. I never do.

"Wow. San Diego has changed you didn't it? I guess your father wasn't hard enough on you" he laughed like it was a joke and I once again I didn't see anything funny.

"Aw come on Lukas, cheer up" he was about to touch me again and I slapped his hand away, again. I went up towards him, head to head, eye to eye.

"Get the hell out my club cause you can't buy it and tell your fucking sister to get the hell out of my house" He clenched his jaw.

"Are you threatening me Lukas?"

"No I'm telling you. If you don't do what I say... A war will break out" I said and he didn't say anything else. "Now.. please go do it"

He took a step back and all I heard were guns cocking back. I've noticed that his men were ready to put bullets in me and I wasn't shock nor scared. What kind of guy would I be without reinforcements?

My men came out, with Archer and Colin by my side. The rest of them were ready also.

"I don't leave without my men either" I said getting my Machine gun from one of my men.

"So I'm going to tell you one more time to get the hell out my club and tell your sister to get out of my house"

He threw his hand up, signaling his men to lower their guns down. "Alright. We will leave your club and I'll tell my sister to leave out your house" He said, and he pointed, signaling his men to follow behind.

I shake my head and lower my gun down. "Alright! Men! I want you to search the area and be cautious" When I finished, I let them go and they started to search around.

My phone started to ring and I threw my machine gun at Colin and he caught it. My phone started to ring and I picked it up.



I've noticed it was Josiah's voice. What does he want?

"Yes Josiah?"

I heard him sigh, and shuffling over the phone. "Okay.. so don't get mad but.."

"But what?"

"Gina and Danielle are missing"

"They're missing?"

"Yeah.. Davina w-"

"I'll be home" I hung up the phone and ran a hand down my face. "Archer!" I called out, he came towards me. "Yes?"

"We're going home. Colin! Make sure nothing happens and clean up real good. Then you can come home" I said and he nodded his head.

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