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We went towards the trucks and Lukas opened his trunk for me to sit in

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We went towards the trucks and Lukas opened his trunk for me to sit in. He tried to stay calm but I knew he wasn't.

I was trying to stay calm and process what just happened and how it happened. My mind kept going back to my biological parents, my current parents, and why all these years they didn't tell me that i was adopted.

On top of that, I found out that Lukas Father, wasn't even his father. His stepdad ruined him and stripped his humanity to the ground. He made the man emotionless and cold to anyone.

But what's really scaring me is this  collar on my neck and how it could blow me and everyone else up.

I didn't sign up for any of this. I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I knew I should've went with my gut months ago when I went to the club with Rose. I should've just stayed home.

I saw archer coming towards me, looking at me with concern. "Oh my God are you okay?"

He's asking me am I okay? Really? I looked at Archer and blinked my eyes.

"ARCHER!! I have a bomb on my neck!!!" I yelled, getting mad. I was tired and honestly ready to go sleep. 

I haven't slept, took a shower in two days, I look bad, I smell bad and I haven't ate.

"Of course I'm not okay!!" I yelled at him. I didn't mean to but I was cranky and felt like snapping at anybody. I didn't care.

He looked at the collar and his eyebrows went up. "Oh shit" I heard him mumble.

"What?" I questioned looking at him and he looked at me. He was about to say something but Lukas came back with Chance.

"Archer watch out" Lukas said in a worried tone. Archer moved out the way and Chance came in front of me looking at it.

"Oh shit" He mumbled, looking over at Lukas.

"What?" I questioned, looking at all three of them. I wanted to know what the number was on this collar so I wouldn't panic as much.

"Sono 2: 10, mi servono gli attrezzi giusti per toglierlo" (it's at 2:10, I need the right tools to take it off)
Chance spoke in Italian looking at Archer and Lukas, which only made me worry more. I heard 2:10 so I'm guessing that's what time it had up here.

Why was he talking in Italian? Was it that serious?

Of course it is Danielle, there's a fucking bomb on your neck. I saw the way they were looking but Lukas spoke up.

"Toglile quella merda dal collo prima che esploda." (Take that shit off her neck before it explodes)

Chance nodded his head and yelled for someone. I saw the way Archer and Lukas were looking. Archer was concerned at me but Lukas just had his hand over his mouth, looking like he was still trying to process what just happened.

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