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I opened my eyes, seeing that Danielle and I were spooning. We were still naked, with the blanket covering us. The way she sleeps so peacefully made me smile.

I gave her a choice and hopefully she'll choose it wisely. I love her so much. I use to hate her cause she acted like a child who couldn't her way.

I moved some of her hair from out of her face and kissed her cheek. I looked at her again, smiling to myself.

At this point of my life, I'm actually happy again. I'm glad she came into my life months ago.

I'm Kinda glad that chaos happened in my club. It was sad that her best friend died in the cross fire but I'm glad it led me to her.

I saw my phone lighting up from the end table and I reached over her to grab it.

I looked at it to see it was an unknown caller. I arched my eyebrow, watching as it came a missed call.

I was about to put my phone back on the end table when it vibrated in my hand, seeing the same number again.

The unknown caller.

I hesitated to pick it up, but I answered it anyway.

"Ciao. Figlio" The deep voice spoke and I instantly got mad. How did he get my number? (Hello. Son)

"Come hai avuto il mio numero?" I clenched my jaw, still mad that he got my number. (How did you get my number?) There's no way someone would just give it to him.

"Figliolo, dovresti conoscere il tuo vecchio. Ho connessioni" He chuckled after he said that. (Son, you should know your old man. I have connections) I wanted him dead. I'm going to put his head on a stick.

"Anyways, meet me at the cafe on the other side of town in... an hour"

I clenched my jaw again, "And what if I don't show up?"

"If you don't come... I'll kill everyone in that house. You know I'll do it" He said, which made me furrow my eyebrows.

I suddenly got out of bed, putting on my boxers and going to my other dresser to pick up my binoculars.

I went towards my window and looked through them to see that it was a rocket launcher pointed straight at the house.

"Call them off Richard" I said which he just laughed on the other end of the phone.

"Come to the cafe in about an hour. Don't bring anyone but yourself"

I sighed, closing my eyes. "How will I know you won't try anything?"

"My guards are not here. I'm sitting at a little cafe outside with no one here, reading a newspaper in my hand, and Drinking coffee, like a old man would. I think I'm unarmed." He's being a sarcastic old bastard.

I opened my eyes, debating if I should go or not. I rub a hand on my face and sighed again, "I'll come, just call off the rocket launcher Richard"

I heard him mumble on the other end of the phone and I looked through the binoculars again, to see that the rocket launcher was gone.

"See you in an hour Luka" He hung up the phone and I saw what time it was.

8:20 A.M.

I pulled my hair back, closing my eyes. This better not be a set up. My life was actually coming together and it's about to crumble once again.

I turned around to see that Danielle was still sleep. I went towards her and bend down to kiss her forehead.

"I'll be back Bella" I whispered, standing up to get one of my shirts to put her in it. I slowly grabbed her to put the shirt on her. I laid her back down to see she moved a little in her sleep.

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