Chpater 3// Twerking Is Gross.

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       This chapter is Dedicated to my bestie Ivory, for helping me think of this chapter! She just started a book so go check her out. Her dedication will be on the side ---->

 *Londyn's POV;*

        I decided I was going to go to Magcon. Heck it might actually be fun. I relaxed on the recliner that was in our hotel room. It was almost time for this event and Holly was hogging the bathroom. I didn't tell her about my interaction with this guy. I would not hear the end of it.

        Holly and I spent most of the day in the hotel room. We did go down to a small boardwalk and walked around to the strip malls. I bought me a new beanie that read "Too Glam to give a Dam." I am going to wear it tonight with my black 5SOS t-shirt and blue skinny jeans. Yeah, I know I don't have a good style. I don't really give a dam. Haha, Too Glam to give a Dam! I let out a small chuckle.

        To be honest I was kind of disappointed that I didn't see Cameron or Matt at all. You think they would be running around in the hotel with their friends. Wait. What am I saying... No attachments. I groaned and let out a small curse word. I then got up from the recliner and walked over to the bathroom door.

        "Holly. What are you doing? Running a fashion show in there?!" I shouted at Holly and banged my hand on the door. She quickly opened it up and grinned at me. Her hair was curled at the end and she wore a blue crop top and white high waisted shorts. "I might as well been. Don't I look amazing." She pushed me out of the way and twirled. I turned around and crossed my arms.

        "You look great. Can I use the restroom now?" Holly nodded and gazed up and down my body.

        "I seriously don't get your taste in style. Who are 5SOS?" Holly asked and walked over to the bed and plugged her iPhone in. I was about to say a few words, but I knew she wasn't listening and wouldn't care. I just strutted in to the bathroom and slammed the door.

        I took my clothes off and laid them on the toilet. I thought I wasn't going to have enough time to take a shower but I guess I was wrong. I turned on the shower and stepped inside. The reaction to the cold made me squirmed but then the warm water came flowing out. I washed my hair quickly and then scrubbed my body. I didn't have time to shave but I was going to wear my skinny jeans anyway.

        I almost slipped getting out of the shower but quickly regained by balance. I wrapped a fluffy hotel towel around my body and dried off. Then got change in the clothes that laid on the toilet. After I was changed I went to the bathroom mirror. My hair was damp but I just decided to put a beanie over it and that would manage most of it.

        "Hurry up! We won't to get there so we can be in the front!" Holly yelled at me and knocked on the door. Well you should of hurried up you drama queen. I thought to my self and let out an awkward laugh. I quickly put some concealer under my bags and then put on mascara. I checked my self out and nodded.

        "Okay let's go." I say as I opened the door. Holly was still stunning and she handed me my phone. I smiled at her and we headed out the door. The Magcon event was being held only a few minutes from here.


        The screams of hundreds and hundreds of girls echoed through my ears. Holly was next to me screaming and chanting "Taylor! I LOVE YOU!" I groaned and looked around the room. We got here really early saw we were right in the front. Holly almost had a heart attack to see how close we were.

        A guy walked out on stage and raised his hands up in the air. A girl with curly red hair started jumping back and forth and played some music. Girls were pushing and squeezing others to get closer to the front. I mumbled some profanities under my breath.

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