Chapter 25// If You Loved Me Why Did You Leave Me

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Thanks everyone for reading! I enjoyed righting this story and I hoped you all liked it. I am sorry and I do mean it. But this chapter is going to be filled with tears and the end will upset you all. Like I said, I am terribly sorry...

Cameron's POV


I flashed my eyes open. The dream I just had left me shaking and sweating. I gazed around at my scenery and realized I was still in the hospital. I had a cast and sling around my arm and a bandage around my head. The beeping of the machine brought me to reality. Memories flashed in my mind about what had taken place. Londyn kissing Nash. The car wreck. Everything came back.

"Oh you are awake," I turned my head to see Nash sitting in the chair next to my bed. I sat up in bed, trying to make my self comfortable. "Yeah, I had a bad dream," I mumbled. I didn't really want him here and I didn't understand why he was here in the first place. He obviously didn't care about my feelings or me because he kissed Londyn.

"Why are you here?"

Nash sat up in his chair and moved his fingers through his hair. "I just wanted to apologize for everything. I am the reason you guys got in a car wreck, I am the reason you fought."

"I just don't get why you would kiss her. You know I love her and you still kissed her."

"I know, I am sorry. I just got carried away, Londyn is a real special girl and I should of just left you guys alone," he said.

I nod, "Yeah, well thanks for the apology." A nurse opened the door and she came in with a few doctors, followed by my mother. My mom came rushing over to my side, she wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her back.

"I am okay mom," I whispered in her ear and she pulled away. "I know baby.."

"You hurt yourself pretty badly in the car wreck. Your brain started to bleed so we had to rush you into surgery. Other than you dislocated your shoulder and broke your wrist," the doctor said as he hovered over my bed. A nurse came over and placed this clamp on my finger to check my oxygen level, after that she filled my IV with some more medicine and exited the room.

My mother went to stand over by Nash, she bent down and whispered in his ear. I furrowed my brows in confusion of what she was saying. Nash's expression dropped from being happy to miserable in seconds. I sat my self up moaning, trying to figure out what was going on. The doctor kept rambling about my brain and the damage that took place but I zoned most of it out.

"What's going on?" I ask and look over at Nash and my mother. Nash's eyes fill up with tears and he gets up slowly, leaving the room with my mom. "Mom!" I cried out but she didn't turn around to answer me, she just kept leaving. What the hell is going on, why won't no one tell me.

"I will be back soon..." The doctor mumbled and without looking at me, he also left. Seriously, why is everyone acting like the world is ending. Why won't no one tell me what's going. I was left alone in the room for quite some time. Nurses came by and without saying anything they just checked up on me then left. I began to worry why no one was telling me anything and I wanted to get up to go check out what was happening.

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