Chapter 14// Future?

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*Cameron's POV:*

When I woke up Londyn was still sleeping on me. She was clutching my shirt and her head laid on my chest. I looked around the room and notice Nash wasn't back. He probably was hanging with the Jacks.

When Londyn first knocked on my door I was surprised to see her. She was dressed weird but she looked good in guy clothes. Next thing she pushed me against the wall. I freaked out but kept my cool so I wouldn't make her nervous. I knew what was going on, I could feel it ever since the beach.

One minute we were staring into each other's eyes and the next we were making out. I was kind of hesitate because of what happened last time but I didn't care. She was perfect and we were perfect. We were having such a good time and then we got tired and here we are.

I moved my self slightly and Londyn groaned. I relaxed and looked at her carefully. She truly was beautiful. Her hair was long and wavy and tangled in my hands. She was pale but it made her even cuter. Every time I heard her soft voice it made my insides jiggle. I never thought a girl could do that to me but she could.

I glanced at the clock and it was only 11 pm. I gently shook Londyn and she moaned. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at me.

"What, what is going on?" She groaned and sat up from my chest. She yawned and itched her eyes and it was the cutest thing ever.

"Hey I wanna go show you something," I rubbed her hair out of her face and she nodded. She started to really wake up and she gave me a smile. I moved away from her and got off the bed.

"Let's get you changed first," I stood up and placed my hand out. She grabbed it and squirmed her way off the bed. She was still tired but she worked her way to get awake.

I took her hand and walked over to the night stand and grabbed the rental car keys and my phone. She yawned and we headed out the door. The light blinded her a bit but her eyes got adjusted in seconds.

"Where we going?"

"First we are going to your room. 314 Right?" I asked and she nodded. We got on the elevator rode to the 3rd floor. It took her awhile to walk around. She looked like a zombie moving slowly but that didn't bug me. She was pretty anyway she looked.

"Stay here and I will get changed," she groaned and knocked on the door. She bite her lip and I am guessing she forgot her key card. Seconds later Holly opened looking worse than Londyn. I smiled and waved at her and she rolled her eyes.

"What do you brats want?" Londyn pushed her sister out of the way and entered the room.

"I am taking Londyn somewhere." Holly leaned up against the door and tried to shield her eyes from the light. These girls really hated being woken up.

"At 11:30 at night. Fantastic." Holly stretched her arms and yawned.

"Oh but you get to be out partying at 2 am," Londyn smirked and glared at her sister. She had a black skirt on with a old band crop top. Her fashion was cute and edgy which made her unique from most girls I hung with.

"Whatever." Holly rolled her eyes and slowly moved her self back into bed. Londyn rolled her eyes but then gave me a big smile.

"I'm ready. I got everything this time," she held up the key card and her phone. I smile and held out my hand she grabbed it and we headed back to the elevator.

"So where we going Cam Jam?"

"It's a surprise."

"I don't like surprises," she whined and squeezed my hand. The elevator door opened and we walked out in to the lobby.

Crushing on the Girl with a Broken Heart → cameron dallasWhere stories live. Discover now