Chapter 4// Secrets and Connections?

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*Matt's POV:*

We were all having a good time and dancing. Then I noticed short stacks (what Cameron called her) in the crowd. Cameron was inviting her on the stage and my heart dropped. She seriously was so beautiful. Wait what was I thinking?

I started twerking and dancing with Taylor when I turned around Cameron had his arm around her. I felt a tight pain in my stomach. I didn't know what I was doing but I went up and grabbed her by her waist. Then pulled her in a hug. She had a weird face and I laughed over the music. In the hug I whispered.

"Hey Beautiful." I smiled and let go of the hug. I then looked over and saw Cameron with a disapointed face on. Taylor came up behind her and pushed her down in a chair and then scooted her over to the middle. All the guys got read and Mahogany played some up beat music. We all started dancing around short stacks. When I saw her face she looked really confused. Maybe we are scaring her.

"She is so hott." Taylor said as we danced around. I kicked him in the knee and hoped short stacks didn't hear that. After awhile of dancing we spread out on the stage and jumped around. The crowd was getting louder and louder. Cameron was behind short stacks. Okay I don't know her real name. Cameron never said and when he first introduced her he called her short stacks. So I guess it going to stick.

I heard a thud. When I looked over the girl was on the ground and coughing. I rushed over but Cameron got there sooner and he held her in his arms. She started coughing up blood. I freaked out and watched as a girl came up on stage, I am guessing it's her sister?

"Someone call 911!" I yelled. Nash darted over and to the corner and whipped out his cellphone. Mahogany stopped the music and the crowd started getting quiet. I paced back and forth keeping my eye on her. Her sister held her hands and started crying. Has this happened before?

"What's wrong with her!" Cameron shouted and looked up at her sister. Short stacks laid on the ground and glared up at her sister. Her sister didn't answer the question but kept crying. Soon enough the EMT's came rushing in and removed her from Cameron's clutch.

The moved her body on to a gurney and wrapped an oxygen mask over her face. They picked up the gurney and started walking off when I stopped them.

"I am coming." I blurted. I didn't even know this girl but I felt as though I needed to be there with her. I looked over at Nash and he also nodded in agreement. All of us wanted to be there for her. Maybe we caused this? I don't know we just wanted to be there. The EMT pushed me back as I got closer to short stacks. They then started carrying her to the back door off the stage. We all followed.


*Londyn's POV*

We all sat in the small doctor's office. I had a changed into a gown and was tapping my fingers on to the doctor table. My mom was standing by my side and my dad paced back and forth. Eight year old Holly was playing with her barbie doll on the floor below me.

My mom stroke my hair and kissed my cheek. Then we heard a knock on the door. My hear sanked a little as I watched my dad walk over and open the door. A tall, bald man walked in. His glasses were down to his nose and his face was studying my charts. He walked and stopped in front of me.

My father came over by my mother and she grabbed his hand. Holly laughed and talked to her barbies. I looked down at her trying to hold any tears that I had.

"Anything you have to say can be said in front of me and my parents." I said and the doctor nodded. He gazed over the chart and I knew he was trying to find a way to tell us. I was in the hospital a few nights ago because I passed out and coughed up blood. I knew something was wrong.

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