Chapter 23// Cotton Candy and Fights

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Londyns POV

It's been a few days since the dinner date Cameron took me on. It was really sweet of him and I loved it and the fact that we got caught making out, was the best part. We still laugh about and it gets better and better each time.

Piper had her first OBGYN doctor appointment yesterday and she is defiantly pregnant. She isn't going to get an arbortion because Jack won't let her. She hasn't told her parents yet but she is planning on soon.

Carter is done being mad at Jack and Piper. He is kind of over her but we all know he wants to be there for the baby which is really sweet. However, Jack and Piper got into a fight because he doesn't want Carter to be around.

"Okay who is ready?" Cameron jogged into the living room. There was a carnival going on tonight and we all been super lazy and just been hanging out so we all decided to go out. Piper needed some air and I thought it would be a good idea.

"I am!" I yelled and wrapped my arms around my best friend. She giggled and hugged me. Her hair was braided back and it looked super cute. She was wearing a purple tank top with black shorts. I was wearing blue high waited shorts with a white shirt to match.

"So it's just us then," Cameron asked and looked at Piper, Me, and Jack.

"I guess so," I said and shrugged. Nash has been really distant lately and I think he finally realized how much of a jerk he has been. Which I am totally okay with because I don't like him at all.

"Off we go then!" I shouted and ran up to Cameron. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a kiss. I smiled between kisses and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Oh come on guys," Piper groaned. We pulled away and I rolled my eyes. Jack and Piper were pretending to gag, Cameron just laughed and removed his hands from my waist.

"Let's go then," I chimed. Everyone nodded and we all headed towards the door. Jack grabbed Piper's hand and I gave her a smile. Cameron held the door open for everyone and we headed outside. It was getting late in the day but we had a couple of hours of sun left.

We walked down the driveway and all piled in the car. I sat up from with Cameron, while Piper and Jack sat in the back. Cameron smiled at everyone before putting the car in drive.

"How far is it?" I asked and looked over at Cameron. He moved his arm over and reached out his hand. I grabbed it and tangled my fingers into his.

"Not far," he replied.

"Oh! Turn up the radio! This is my shit!" Jack yelled and Cameron laughed as he turned up the radio. 'I'm ready' by AJR was playing and we all started bobbing our heads and singing along.

"I'm ready. I'm ready," I sung.

"Oooo wee Oooo wee," Piper added. I laughed and started dancing in the car. Cameron looked over and laughed at me. He stared moving his head around and dancing in the car while driving. We had a good dance jam but it ended when we pulled up to the carnival.

Tons of people were out and walking around. Cars were parked all the way down the street and it was really hard to find a parking spot but we got one sorta of close.

"I am so excited!" I yelled and opened the car door. Cameron came over to us and grabbed my hand. Jack and Piper held hands as well and we walked over to the ticket booth of the carnival.

"Hi, can I get five wrist bands?"

The guy behind the the glass that was blocking us off from him was rummaging under the counter for some more wrist bands. Cameron was paying for all of us which was really sweet.

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