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Yes, an Epilogue. It's been requested tons of times *cough cough* @IvoryAlliah23

LOL! So yes, this is the Epilogue and I hope you guys enjoy it!

~1 year later~

Camerons POV

"Hey Londyn," I started. I smiled and tried to hold in my tears because I didn't feel like crying. Ever since Londyn died a year ago I couldn't grasp that she was really gone. I come to her grave just to talk to her, to ask her what I should do with my life. I talk for hours upon hours, hoping one day she would just reply back to me. But she never does...

"Piper had her baby. It's a girl. She named her Rose, after you. I think it's odd to have a child named after a flower but Rose is so beautiful that she could be a flower. She was born March, 25 at 9 am. Jack was so happy to finally meet his daughter he cried. She has a lot of hair and she looks just like a miniature Jack. I thought I should of let you know. I am sorry you couldn't be here to meet her. Now, Rose will grow up to not know you which is a sad thing. Everyone should of known you." I exhaled a breathe than bent down to sit on the grass.

She was buried in Alabama with the rest of her relatives. I been staying with her family for awhile now, well ever since the funeral. I haven't had the courage to go back home, even though my mom says I need to. I am still grieving and I don't know when I will go back. Londyn's parents never mind me staying at their house. Aaron is here too but that's because it's summer time once again and him and Holly have been dating for a year.

"I wish you were here. I don't know what I am doing with my life. It's been a hard year for me and I don't know what to do. Please Londyn, at least give me a hint." I stared at her grave stone in hope for an answer. The grave stone it self was beautiful. Her name was carved on it with her birth and death date. At the bottom was written Daughter, Friend, Love. I couldn't help but cry when I come here. It hurts to see that I am living my life whilst she is six feet under in a casket.

"It doesn't get better," a soft voice chirped in my ear from behind. I let out a sigh and twist my head back to see a girl with flowers in her hand. She had long blonde hair with bangs that almost go over her eyes. Her blue eyes sparkle in the hot summer sun.

"I am mean, after awhile it does. But if you are like me who comes to cry over someone who died a year ago then it won't get better." The girl frowned, she walked over a few gravestones away from me and stared down at a small stone and placed the flowers down.

"I am like you I guess," I replied. The girl wiped her eyes and took a seat in the grass right next to the gravestone. She had a backpack on that she pulled to her lap. She pulled out some books and started to open one. I stared at her warily as she read a book to the gravestone.

"They can't hear you," I chuckled. The girl turned her head and had tears in her eyes. "It doesn't matter if he can't hear me. I am still going to read to him. It's his favorite books, he always told me that whenever he was scared or lost he would read these books. Even in his last days he would find books to calm him down."

"Who is he?" I smiled over at her. She wiped her eyes and glanced at the gravestone. It read, Miles Langston. He died about a year ago, a couple of months before Londyn. "My brother. My twin brother actually. He had leukemia and one morning he just didn't wake up," he voice cracked as tears rolled down her cheeks.

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