Chapter 12// To the BEACH

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Thank you again!

*Londyn's POV*

I struggled to get out of bed. It's Saturday and I didn't want to do anything. I didn't feel like doing anything. It been a day since the dance. After Matt and I danced a little on the roof, he guided me back downstairs so we could dance with actually music.

When we walked in the guys looked really pissed off. They gave glares at Matt but he didn't even recall their presence. Instead he took my hand and we danced together till the ball was over.

I groaned and kicked the sheets off of me. I looked to my right to see Holly gone, again. I moved my way to the bathroom like a zombie. I almost had a heart attack from my horrible bed head. I started try and mane it down but had no luck. I leaned up against the sink and stretched by body out before I heard the door knock.

"I am coming..." I grunted and shuffled my feet to the door. I took a moment and cleared the eye boogers. I know I looked hella ratchet but who cares. I yawned and swung open the door to see all the boys standing there with there swim trunks on and towels under their arms. I furrowed my eyebrows and bounced my eyes to each of them.

"Woah. Your hair.." Taylor muttered but Matt swiftly kicked him in the knee.

"Yeah. I just got up," I paused and looked back at my glorious bed where I could be spending right now. "What's up?" I turned my self back to the boys. Cameron was the closes to the door. I couldn't help but look up and down his body and stare at his abs. Oh his abs...

"We wanted to know if you wanted to tag a long with us? We are heading to the beach!" Cameron smiled and all the boys nodded.

"Yeah sure. Why not. I will meet you guys in the lobby," I gave them all a smile.

"YEET. This is going to be so much fun!" Nash shrieked and jumped up in the air. We all gave him concern looks as if we were going to calm his rush.

"Okay. Meet you in 10 minutes," I added and the guys nodded. They then turned and started racing each other down to the lobby. I smiled and shut the door.

I walked over to my bag which was pretty much empty. All my clothes were stranded out on the ground, on the bed, on the TV. It was a mess but it wasn't a mess where you couldn't find anything. I located my teal bikini. I then stripped my PJ's off and put on the swim suit. I gathered my hair up in to a messy bun.

I found blue shorts in my suitcase and pulled them out. I got a yellow tank-top to go with it. I put on the shorts and the tank-top. Headed to the bathroom to get one last glance at me. I looked alright, still tired but alright. I was actually relieved too. I thought the guys were upset at me since I didn't see them at all yesterday(Friday). I bet they were too busy to even acknowledge my presence.

I got out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone from the charger. I gazed the room for my converse but thought this outfit deserved sandals. I reached for my sisters suitcase and moved things around till I found a pair of her brown sandals. I am sure she wouldn't miss them, she hasn't worn them yet. So, I am sure she wouldn't mind.

I slipped those on and walked over to the door. I turned off the room's lights and exited my room.

Once I got down the lobby I saw the boys chatting away. Cameron noticed me first and skipped over to me.

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