Chapter 9// The Dress

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*Londyn's POV*

I sat nervously in the chair. I placed my hands on the table and looked around the dinning room hall. I was hoping Nash would actually come and have breakfast with me. Last night I got home and went straight to bed. Holly was back and up texting Aaron. I am super happy for her.

The food in the room smelt great. I wasn't going to actually eat a lot I more wanted to talk to Nash and get it over with. I was nervous enough and if we talked long I would embarrassed the living daylights out of me.

Holly and I planned to go dress shopping for the ball tonight. I was super excited and actually nervous about that too. I don't really know how to dance and I didn't want to be stupid and making a fool of my self.

I waited another 5 minutes before I saw the brown hair and blue eye boy walk my way. He greeted me with a smile and waved. I waved back and my heart thumped up and down.

*Nash's POV:*

This is going to end bad, I just know it. First, Cameron comes back to the room so pissed off. He wouldn't even tell me what's wrong, he just said "You win" and went to bed. I did feel really bad, I always got the girls and he didn't. Which I didn't understand why...

I entered the dinning hall and they had tables scattered around the room. There was a buffet in one corner and the food smelled heavenly. Some corny music was playing in the background.My eyes gazed the room and I spotted Londyn. She had her brown hair down and straightened. She had white shorts on with a yellow blouse. She actually looked stunning.

She caught my eyes and smiled. I smiled and waved at her. I made my way over to the table and sat down across from her. She let out a sigh but looked pleasant to see me.

"What's up?" I asked. She seemed nervous, did I do something wrong? She looked across at me and tensed up a bit. She bite her lip and tapped her fingers on the table, I opened my mouth to say something but she interrupted me.

"You know Cameron kissed me last night? I have to admit that I kissed him back. But he got angry at me cause I was thinking about you when it happened."

I leaned back in my chair and sighed. Cameron kissed her? Is that why he was so angry last night? The words he said to me last night clicked in my head. Did Londyn say something to Cameron about me? I placed my arm on my leg and started rubbing it. My mind was bouncing back and forth. Do I want her?

"You should give Cameron a chance." I hesitated but the words just slipped out of my mouth. Londyn adjusted her self in the chair and glared at me.

"What?" She seemed angry. She furrowed her eye brows and her mouth was open a tad bit.

"Wait.. What?" She repeated her self. It then grew silent. I stared down at my hands that laid on the table.

"Are you being serious? I had this whole speech how I wanted to be with you and that I finally got over with shutting people out. Now you are saying that I should give Cameron a chance!" She yelled at me and people started to stare. I gestured her to keep it down that she was making a scene but she rolled her eyes.

"I am sorry. I just thought he deserved a chance." I mumbled. Londyn hit her hand on the table and smacked it down. She winced but kept the pain in side.

"Cameron is my friend. That is all. You know what, forget it. I don't know why I bothered with you guys." She got up from her chair and started walking off down the hallway. I waited for awhile and jumped to my feet. I then ran after her. Once I got close I grabbed her arm and spun her around.

"I am sorry. Just tell me, do you have feelings for me." I looked down at her perfectly shaped body and furrowed my eye brows. Londyn gazed up at me, her brown eyes sparkled in the light. People walked past us and some went into the hotel rooms down the hall. I pulled her closer to me to where I could feel her heart beat.

"Yes. I do Nash. I do-." I stopped her and slowly pressed my lips to her. Screw everything, I am not letting her go. I held on to her back and started kissing her. She kissed back and ran her fingers through my hair. I picked her up by her butt and put her on my waist. Her legs wrapped around my back and I started walking down the hallway and carried her. We kept kissing and people gave us looks, but I didn't care.

The kisses from her didn't leave a spark. It didn't feel like rainbows and unicorns. Instead it was much more, every time she pressed her lips to mine. Something just made everything freeze. I didn't feel a spark, but I did feel joyance. Pure happiness ran up and down my spine.

I grabbed her shirt and held on to her. Our kisses were synchronized and passionate. I smiled and kissed the top lip and then both lips. Joyance.

I leaned up against the wall and still held her around my waist. We made out for a good 1 minute before breathing for air. She looked up at me and I smiled. Then she unstraddled her legs and I let her get back on the floor. A couple walked by us and we smiled. She let out a small giggled.

"I need to fix things with Cameron and tell him I just want to be friends." She whispered and I nodded. She gave me a big hug and I hugged her back.

"Are you going to the ball tonight," she asked me and I looked down at her. Matt did mention a dance but I wasn't planning on going.

"Are you going?" I asked her and let go of the hug.

"Yep. I actually have to go meet Holly now. She is taking me dress shopping." I nodded and let her go. She started walking back to the lobby. I guess I am going? I wonder if the other guys will go.


*Holly's POV*

"No. That makes you look hella pregnant." I laughed as my sister twirled around in a poofy red dress. She told me about this ball at the hotel this morning before she left to go talk to Nash. I wondered how that turned out.

"This is the fourth dress. I can't find shit." Londyn grunted desperately and went back to the changing room. I relaxed in a chair that sat in front of two mirrors. I had my dress picked out, it was a golden long dress with a white ribbon. Londyn said it make me look like a queen and that is what I was going for.

"I put two more in there. Just try them on." I shouted to the dressing rooms. Londyn let out a groan and sighed. I kind of felt bad for my sister, I wasn't paying much time and attention to her. Aaron and I started dating and he is always taking me out on dates. I mean all the time. It's actually really sweet on how much he cares. I am sure he is just doing it because we leave next week and long distant relationships are hard.

"Okay here I come." Londyn shouted and opened the dressing room door. She took a few steps out and I dropped my jaw. The dress looked beyond perfect on her. It was a emerald green and it was silk. It rounded her curves and fitted perfectly. She walked out in front of the mirrow and twirled around.

"Yes or No," she asked. I shook my head yes and smiled. It seriously was a match made. She turned her self away from the mirrors and looked at me. I got up walked around her to see the other side of her beauty. The dress defiantly made her arse look good.

"Yes! It's beyond perfect for you!" Londyn laughed and started heading back to the changing room. "Fine, I will get it. Let me get changed and we can go get something to eat. Maybe head to the beach." She closed the changing room door and started to get dressed.

"Okay, sounds awesome!" I yelled and gathered my things up. This is going to be so much fun, but I had a feeling it was going to end bad.


What is up guys! I know this is a short chapter and boring but it had to be done. So what do you think? Will Nash and Londyn go out? Or does she secretly have feelings for Cameron and just has't show it yet? I know Taylor and Matt haven't been around that match. I am changing that in the next chapter. Love you all!

Also Londyn's dress is to the right ---->

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