• four •

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I'm sitting on the fluffy white carpet in my room and sigh frustrated.
  My outfit for tonight just doesn't look right on me anymore. The jeans I picked out look too prude and my shirt makes me look like a 12 year old boy. It's just not right.
   Zayn enters my room, returning from the bathroom. He looks at me as if I've gone crazy and well, maybe I am. "Are you okay?"I let myself collapse down onto the carpet and sob loudly. "No, I'm not. This outfit sucks." Zayn sits down on my bed and looks at me smirking. 
    "Why does everything in my closet just scream Maia Parker?" Whining, I cover my eyes with my hands. It's been a long time since I last felt this miserable. 

"Why are you bothered by that all of the sudden?" I sit up to look at him while he rummages through my clothes."Ugh, I don't know... I just feel like I always look the same. Ripped jeans, a stupid shirt or sweater and those stupid white vans." 
   Zayn pulls a red button up jeans skirt out of my closet and holds it up in front of him. "Since when do you own that?"
"My grandma got me that for my birthday last year, it probably doesn't even fit me anymore." I remember, eyeing it up and down. It does look a bit too small for me. "Try it on." 

"Alright... Turn around." He does as I say and I quickly change into the skirt. I look into the big mirror next to my closet and it fits awfully perfect around my waist and thighs. It's actually really comfortable, but it scares me how short it is.
    "I don't know... It's kinda short don't you think?" I state my worries and Zayn turns around to scan me from head to toes. 
    "A skirt is so dangerous, just imagine all the things that could happen."
    "Who cares? Everyone will be absolutely wasted." I groan annoyed by the conflict I'm in.
    "Do you like how it looks on you?" he asks and I nod slightly, still unsure about wether or not I feel comfortable wearing it. "Then just fucking wear it."
Zayn smiles at me as I turn around a couple of times to get a look at myself from every angle possible and then sigh loudly. The plain white shirt is still not the greatest, but I just leave it on to have something that isn't too much out of my comfort zone.
Maybe this skirt is also the perfect piece of clothing to show Niall that he's wrong about me and that I actually can dress up, if I want to. 

   "You're right. Fuck it."

✽    ✽

Louis' house isn't that far away from where I live so, Zayn and I just walk there. The whole walk there consists of Zayn telling me that I look great and I shouldn't worry so much about it and me being the self-cautious person I am.
    I know he is right in a way. If I want to change my style I have to try new things out. We can already hear the music without even seeing the house yet and with every step getting closer I get more insecure about this damn skirt.
   Why did I agree to wear this? I should've just went with the ripped jeans. At least I would've felt comfortable in them. Fuck being cute or hot or whatever. And most importantly, fuck Niall.

Zayn notices me walking slower and slower the closer we get to the house and starts to drag me by the arm, until we arrive at the front door. There are already loads of cars parked in front of the house. It's unlocked, so Zayn just pushes the door open and pulls me inside. My ears are already overwhelmed by the bass of the music.

"We definitely have to start drinking immediately to get you out of your stiffness." He screams into my ear and I just nod.
    Zayn leads me into the kitchen of the house as if he's been here a thousand times already and I hold on to him very tightly. I'm overwhelmed by how many people are actually here. Sure, I knew this place would be crowded, since Louis has a wide range of friends and people that like him in general. I would never trust so many people at once to do whatever they wanted to do in my house, but then again I never even thought about throwing a party, because to throw one - who would've thought - you need friends.  
Nervously I bite my nails and he immediately slaps my hand away from my mouth when he notices. "Stop it, that's disgusting."
    He squeezes my hands tightly and looks into my eyes, making me hold my breath for a second.
    "Just relax already, Maia! This is just a party. Just be yourself and you'll be fine."
    "Yeah... You're right." I squeeze his hands back. "Sorry, I'm just kinda overwhelmed."
He lets go of my hands and grabs two plastic cups from the counter, filling them up to a third.
    "Here." He hands me one cup and takes the other one for himself. "It'll burn for a few seconds." He then warns me and puts the glass to his mouth. Quickly he throws his head back and swallows the vodka in one gulp.

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