• twenty •

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I wake up alone. 

    The warmth from the night before is completely gone and a fresh breeze dances around my face, arms and legs, leaving goosebumps on the exposed skin. The memories of last night slowly crawl back into my mind, making me blush and grin like an idiot. I pull up my blanket to cover my face, even though no one is here. 

   So Niall and I confessed our feelings to each other last night. Kind of. But what does that mean now? Are we together? No. I shouldn't come to that conclusion so fast. We are still talking about Niall Horan here. The guy that doesn't date or have girlfriends.
   I mean, he was drunk. You say lots of things when you're lightheaded. Also, he could've just said all that to wrap me around his finger so he can hurt me even more. Still, the fact that he confessed he wouldn't want to leave me behind is a clear message. So clear that it almost scares me. The bigger problem here is the fact that he is going to move to London. 

   There are two options, really: I convince my dad to move to London with me or I convince Niall to stay here and tell his dad to fuck off so he can do what he loves. Though, the first option isn't too appealing. I'd be leaving Zayn behind, which would break my heart. I can't live without Zayn but I also want to be with Niall. Plus, London is an amazing city and the experience of living there is worth it all. Dad can be a cop anywhere, right? 

  Frustrated I grunt and throw back my blanket. There's enough time to worry about all that later. I get up and my feet drag me downstairs. On the way I notice the smell of freshly made eggs and bacon. Honestly, I couldn't wish for a better dad. 

   Though, on the last step of the stairs, I also notice a second, all too familiar voice. The scene that lays in front of me in the kitchen is almost hilarious. Dad is sitting on the kitchen island, eating an apple while he's watching Niall stand in front of the stove. Good god, I'm going to be a dead woman after this.  

   "Well, if this isn't quite a sight." I say, making them both turn their heads to look at me. A cheeky smile curls up on Niall's lips. 
   "You're quite a sight yourself." he winks at me and I blush, realizing that I'm still in my pajamas. He saw me with even less on last night, why am I blushing? 
   "I didn't know you did school work on Saturdays." dad comments and my heart stops for a second. So Niall told him he came here to do school work. Interesting. 

   "Uh, yeah we have to turn it in on Monday so we wanted to make some finishing touches." I go to sit down on a stool at the kitchen island and smile at dad. "You're kinda early though." Niall looks at me, rolling his eyes.
   "You told me to be here at eight sharp, so here I am." 
   "Yeah, eight P.M." 
   "Well, then you should be happy that I'm nice enough to make you breakfast."
I sigh and chuckle. Dads gaze burns into me but I don't dare to look back. Maybe I'm just imagining things and he doesn't even know anything but I have the feeling that he's trying to hold back something. 
   "Thank you, kind sir." I say, trying to get rid of the tightness in my chest. "Such a lovely gesture."
   "Of course, m'lady."

    Dad jumps off of the counter while Niall turns around to set down the pan. With parted lips I watch them set the table together. Dad grabs plates from the cabinets and Niall grabs forks and knives. They look like a rehearsed team, like they never did anything else than set tables together. 

   "Eggs and bacon for the lady." Niall says with a wink while setting down a plate in front of me. Then he sits down next to me and starts to dig in. Niall and dad talk about soccer and how their favorite team did on the last game. I just eat in silence, completely weirded out about how well they get along. Sure, it's a good sign if your parents like your boyfriend, or rather your maybe-soon-to-be-if-everything-goes-well-boyfriend. The thought alone of the conversation Niall and I are going to have about all that makes me feel nauseous. 

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