• twelve •

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Niall pulls me over to a black car that looks way too expensive to belong to a high school student and unlocks it. Is he actually gonna drive us somewhere now? Confused I stop.
   "Isn't driving under the influence of alcohol illegal?" 
He turns around to look at me. "I didn't have a single drop of alcohol today, so we'll be fine." 
Even though I don't know if he's actually sober or just saying that to make me feel safe, I walk over to the passenger side and open the door to get in. It's so surprising to hear him say that because I honestly would've never guessed he isn't the type of guy to get drunk on a Friday night.     
   "Are you actually sober right now?" I ask, not being able to shake off the feeling that he might be stupid enough to risk killing us both by driving drunk. Smiling he starts the car and looks over to me.
   "Yes, I am. I rarely drink."
   "You're insane." Laughing I put on my seat belt. You have to be mad to go to a party and not drink anything at all. How does he survive all the wasted girls drooling all over him and his friends? Maybe that's actually the reason he doesn't drink. Getting girls to do for you what you want is much more easier while being conscious about your actions. It definitely would be a very pathetic reason, but then again what did I expect? He lives for manipulation. Though, I still can't manage to pull away from him. I'm caught in his orbit, unable to escape the constant magnetic force pulling me further in with every second. 
  He starts pulling out of the front yard of this massive mansion. The streets are empty and it feels so peaceful to be the only ones on the road. No one honks, no one screams, it's just quiet. The whole world is sleeping. 
    "I prefer being sober. I like to be in control." Niall explains minutes after we started driving. It actually makes sense for him to say that. After the last party I felt like shit thinking about all the things I did without even thinking about it. And don't get me started on the things I don't actually remember from that night. For Niall there is no need to drink anyway, since he is confident enough to do anything he wants. Sometimes not being in control can lead to something good though.
   Suddenly I feel stupid for drinking and especially for taking that damn pill, even though I feel pretty in control right now. How much of that control is actually real? If I wanted to leave, would I be able to? Could I tell him to just take me home and call it a night? No. The answer is clear as glass. I want to be with him, talk to him, just be near him. It's a waste of time to think of what could and what would happen. 

  I wish I knew where he is taking me, but I have absolutely no clue where we are right now. I think I've never even been in this part of town before, but in the end we pull into our schools parking lot, suddenly making me feel really underwhelmed by our little trip here.   
   Niall and unbuckles his seat belt and gets out of the car. I do so too, curious to know what his plans are. The last time he took me somewhere was a nice surprise, but I don't think our school even has pretty places to go to. 
   Quietly we walk towards the building next to each other, enjoying the fresh night air. The wind feels delightful on my skin, making me smile. I've never felt more at peace than right now. It's as if someone flipped a switch inside my brain. I could walk along Niall for the rest of my life. Sadly, our little walk doesn't last as long as I wish it did. 

   "This may sound crazy." he says, leading me to the fence behind the bleachers of our schools outdoor pool. Frowning with a small smile on my lips I look up to him. "I always wanted to come here at night. It's so much more peaceful." 
  I have no clue who is part of the swim team at our school, but they must be bigger assholes if even Niall doesn't like them.
   "You know this is considered breaking and entering, right?" Laughing I nudge his side. Honestly, swimming does sound like a nice idea right now. "That's the fun of it, you know. The pure thrill of doing something forbidden." Niall shrugs and gives me the cutest, but at the same time most ridiculous looking puppy dog eyes. I suppose, right now the pool is the bone he wants me to throw over to him. "What's your plan then?" 
  His lips curl up into a huge grin and he grabs my wrist again to pull me after him. He leads me to the back of the facility, where a small gap between the trees surrounding it is. The fence looks taller now that we are standing right in front of it. If I'd have to guess, I'd say it's a good 8 feet tall and it's one of those bendy fences.
   "They don't have cameras, I already checked." he says, seeing my frown. Cameras aren't what I'm worried about. "Sure, who needs security cameras anyway." I huff, putting my fingers through the fence and pulling at it. "This looks really unsafe." 
   "Look, it's not that hard. I'll help you." Niall says, crouching down a bit, indicating to give me a leg up.
   "I swear, if you look under my skirt or let me fall, I'm gonna have to drown you in that pool." 
   "I will not do either of that." he reassures me chuckling and I put one foot into his hands. He gives me a good boost, making me squeak, but I don't want to make a fool of myself, so I grab onto the fence and pull myself over it.
  I fall down into the grass on the other side, whining from the pain that shot through my whole body. Luckily it's gone as soon as I get up.
   "You alright?" Niall asks, while pulling himself over the fence as if he never did anything else all his life, just jump over wobbly, bendy fences. If you think popular boys have normal hobbies, you're probably wrong.
   I dust off some dirt from my skirt. "Yeah, I'm alright."

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