• sixteen •

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If you're wondering: I made a small change so that their history teacher is now the soccer teams coach's wife Mrs. Garrison. 

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    "Please huddle up everyone! We don't want to take away any place we don't need!" Mrs. Garrison's voice booms through the big hall of the Chicago History Museum as we all stand around her in a half circle. The words What kind of Nation did the revolution create? plastered above her head on the wall behind her. 
  I made sure to stand as far away from the soccer jocks as possible. This excursion is horrible on it's own, I don't need them making my day a whole lot worse. 
   "Okay, so as you all know we've talked about the French a whole lot these past few weeks. I know, they are annoying. Luckily today it's not so much about the French, but us Americans. The museum has a huge exhibition on the American Revolutionary War, which we are going to learn more about today. I hope you all brought your sheets with your assignments. Next week we will go over everything you found out." 
   I nod, knowing well enough that she actually doesn't care if we brought the sheets or not. Everyone is well aware of that, which means that this excursion is completely useless and will teach no one anything. I still took the sheets with me.
   "Please only wander around the museum in groups of two to four, I don't want to see any loners today. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me or the staff. Happy learning!" 
   The class instantly starts to spread out into the hallways and I look around to see if I can find Julia so I can join her in trying to kill time in this boring ass museum. She is standing next to Harry and Niall, holding Harrys hand while talking to Niall. His gaze meets mine and I can't help but glare at him angrily. Instead of joining them, I turn around on my heels and walk into the opposite direction. I'd rather walk around with Mrs. Garrison than deal with that prick after what he did.

  The whole week before this excursion was horrible. Even though I tried really hard to avoid Niall, he kept his gaze on me, his eyes glossy as soon as he saw me. I was confused, angry and hurt. I couldn't wrap my thoughts around why he would call me out in front of the whole school like that, especially after he made me think he really liked me. The hours we spent together felt like dreams that my mind made up and slowly I started to think that they actually weren't real. Only dreams, nothing more. We were in two different worlds, knowing we would never work out and still not being able to let go. The worst thing about that was that everyone just seemed to love reminding me of it.
   I didn't bother asking for his reasons too. It was obvious why he felt the need to do that. I'm just not pretty nor popular enough to be with the soccer captain. It's social suicide for him and, as hard as it is for me to admit that, I understand. But more than that, I mostly pity him for feeling that way. And that's also the main reason I started to dress up more and actually try not to look like I didn't get ready in the morning. Pretty pathetic, I know.
   This whole week I figured it was best to do what he told me: stay away from him and accept the fact that he doesn't like me, because I'm not his type. Not that it was hard for me to do. The hardest part were his stares and trying not to look back at him. They burnt into me, making me think that he was the one struggling with keeping his distance. It made me think he'd maybe regret pushing me away. Though, I think my angry glares now and then were enough to keep him away. 

  Today is different though. Considering that I don't have any normal friends in this class - except for Julia - I'll have to walk around alone. Sure, I could join Harry and the others, but I don't really feel being around them today since Niall will probably walk around with them too.
   My feet carry me out of the great main hall into another, smaller room, where I spot Jace Jenkins and Niall lean over a showcase. JJ is also on the soccer team, but a rather quiet counterpart. That may trick you into thinking he's shy, but he's actually the complete opposite. I never really talked to him before, just like most of the other team members, but it seems like a good time to start with that now. 
   "Hey JJ." I greet him, squeezing myself between him and Niall. He looks up at me and grin plays around his lips. I return it with my sweetest smile. Niall is staring at me angrily from the side, but I try to ignore it.
   "Hey there. Getting some work done, huh?" I giggle sheepishly and stand next to him, watching Niall from the corner of my eye as he get's more nervous as time passes. I feel horrible for acting like this, but I want him to regret everything he did to me.
  "Yes, I thought it'd be best to actually do it. It's also less chaotic not running around with the others."   
   "I agree." JJ stands up straight and suddenly towers over me, being at least a feet taller than me. Niall stays quiet. "You brought your work sheets too? You're the first one I see with them." JJ asks and I nod, looking up at him. His brown eyes inspect me carefully as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. 
   "Yeah, I did. Thought it'd help kill time if I actually worked on them." I lie, which he seems to buy. My gaze travels over to the showcase he was just now looking at. It contains one small notebook with messy handwritten letters. "These look really interesting."

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