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I wake up the next morning amid a familiar smell. The sheets are hanging weirdly around my legs and the upper half of my body is freezing. Sunlight is blinding me, even though my eyes are still shut. Groaning I pull the blanket above my head to block out the light.
   I'm really glad that this is Zayns bed I'm lying in. Waking up in a stranger's bed would've scared the shit outta me.
Opening my eyes slightly, to look around the room, I notice that Zayn isn't here, so he must have already went down for breakfast. As I slowly try to sit up, my head starts to ache really bad and it feels like someone hit me with a hammer last night. Maybe someone actually did and I just don't remember it. The feeling fades slightly and I get up to give myself a short check up in the mirror. I'm still wearing my outfit from yesterday, which looks fine, but my hair is a literal mess. Looking around Zayn's room, I find a hair tie to fix that whole situation so I don't look like a complete mess. Considering that Zayn let me sleep over at his place - for god knows whatever reason - I reckon his mum isn't home, but his sisters could be around and I really don't want them to think bad of me.
   A second look in the mirror makes me notice a huge purple spot on my neck, right under my ear. "Fuck." I mumble, while slightly turning my head to get a better look. It stings when I gently touch the spot, spreading to the space around it. 
   I remember the seven minutes in heaven and how good it felt to be touched by Niall. Who would've thought I'd end up in a closet with him on a stupid party? Not me, that's for sure. It's a bummer that he's still an inconsiderate asshole.  

I make my way down the stairs, rubbing my temples trying to somehow ease the pain. How the fuck does everyone deal with this shit every damn weekend? Is it really worth enduring this kind of pain in the morning?
   As expected, Zayn is sitting on the counter shoving fruit loops into his mouth. When he sees me entering the kitchen, a cheeky grin appears on his face.
   "Good morning party queen." greets me chuckling and I arch a brow. "Party queen?"

I walk up to the fridge and grab a bottle of water, gulping it down as if my life depends on it. "I couldn't get you to stop dancing last night, except for a new drink. You chugged vodka down as if it were water!" he explains.
   To be honest, after Harry and I went downstairs to get a new drink, everything is just a blur. The last thing I remember his beautiful smirk as he was telling me how the drink he mixed would blow my mind, which it obviously did.
"I can't remember shit." I moan, closing the water bottle and putting it on the counter next to me. "Did I do something stupid though?"
Zayn shrugs, thinking about something for a moment, before he shakes his head. "Nothing I can think of. The only thing everyone will be talking about is how Harry has been all over you the whole night and you didn't care at all, but I haven't really seen you till later when Harry made me bring you home. Oh and that." Chuckling he looks at my neck. Involuntarily, I cover it with my hand and look at the floor in embarrassment. How could I be so stupid to let all that happen? I've never been rumored to be involved in any relationship drama. Not even being around Zayn was important enough for the school to give a fuck if we were dating or not.
   "Are you alright?" Zayn looks at me concerned as I lift my head up again. "Yes, I'm just trying to remember. It feels odd to have this black hole in your memory."

"So you don't know anything? Even about what happened in that closet?" curious he glances at me.
"I do remember that very clearly." I say, blushing slightly. "First we talked and everything was fine, but then he started to put his arms around me and grabbing my ass, while kissing my neck. That's it." I shrug and look into Zayns disappointed face. "Thought he'd try more." 
   "If he would've had more time, he surely would've tried, I guess." 
   "What do you reckon he would've done?" I roll my eyes at him, laughing. "I don't fucking know, shove his disgusting tongue in my-"

"In your what?!" Sophia, Zayn's eight your old sister comes jumping into the kitchen making me flinch back. Embarrassed that she spied on us, I look at her startled. 
   "Soph, what the fuck! It's rude to eavesdrop on people!" Zayn shouts, jumping off the counter and running towards her. Screaming and giggling she runs away from him into the living room. Their voices are echoing through my head and it feels like it's about to explode any moment. Zayn chasing her around the house would be funny if I weren't feeling so hungover from last night. 
  I can hear him talk to Sophia, telling what we're talking about isn't important for little princesses and then turning up the volume of whatever show she's watching.
Panting he comes back into the kitchen and jumps up on the counter again to continue eating his fruit loops. 
  "Sorry about that." he apologizes, shaking his head. "She's so nosey, she couldn't shut up about how I didn't tell here you were sleeping here." 
  "It's okay." I smile at him. His sisters are always so adorable when we are here and sometimes it even feels like I'm part of this little, broken family, somehow filling the void of his older sister Diana, who went to live with their dad somewhere in Iowa, leaving him, Sophia and Wilma behind. It's nice to kinda know how it would be if I had siblings. I've always wanted to have a sister. 
   "Speaking about last night, just so you know, I wanted to take you home but you left your keys at home." he informs me and adds "I texted your dad that you're at my place." when he sees me realizing that I didn't come home last night. Relieved I sigh.
At least that won't turn into drama.  

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