Chapter Sixteen.

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    After the incident with Kia, Nyla and I snuggled up on the couch, smoked, and ate fruit while watching shows on Netflix. Seeing Nyla whoop Kia's ass was another reminder how hard she went for me. And I'd do the same for her. Baby what you wanna do today? She asked while taking a bite of a strawberry. Its whatever babe I just wanna get out of the house. I said looking at her. I smiled as I continued to stare. She's so adorable to me. What? She asked with her mouth full of strawberries. I can't look at my baby? Beautiful ass. I said smiling. She began to blush. It was a beautiful sight seeing those chocolate, freckled cheeks turn a rosy red. Let's go to the mall babe. She said saddling herself in my lap. I just chuckled. She always does this to get her way, which makes me think I spoil her entirely too much. But I'm fine with that, she's my whole heart. I guess we could baby. I said before kissing her. Great, Ima go get dressed! She said kissing my forehead then running off to her room to get ready. I got up and headed to my room to get ready as well. I brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I threw on some black joggers, with a red t-shirt and some red Forces. I put on deodorant and some cologne. I also put on my ankh necklace and my gold grill. I wasn't about to get too dressed up. I didn't mind going to the mall either. Ny's birthday was coming up in October, so I'd start looking for some of her gifts.

    Suddenly Ny walked in with some black tights, and a red t-shirt, with some red Forces with her gold grill in as well. We gotta stop doing this. I said chuckling. Aww come on babe, you know we cute as the fuck. She said giggling while walking towards me and wrapping her arms around me. And you smell so fucking good. She said burying her face into my chest. Yeah we are pretty cute I guess. I said kissing her forehead. Come on lets head out babe. I went and grabbed my wallet, phone, and keys. Nyla grabbed her phone and we headed out the door.  We hopped in the Jeep and we were on our way. It wasn't long before we got to the mall. I parked and we headed inside. We went to a couple stores. Nyla found a really nice clothing store. We were in there for a good minute before I realized Zales was right next door. Hey babe I'll be right back. I said before kissing her forehead, and handing her my debit card. Well hurry up, Babyboy. She said before pulling me back in for another kiss. I headed over to Zales  A couple minutes pass by and I finally found a beautiful promise ring for Nyla. She'll love this. I said getting ready to pay for it. I got the gift and put it inside a bag I had of mine, then headed back to the store Ny was at.

    Oh my God, Shawn! I heard out of no where. I turned around to see who it was, and to my surprise it was Rebecca, an old fling from high school. Oh hey Rebecca. I said giving her a hug. How you been, Becca? I've been okay. She replied. I go to a college out here now. Oh that's cool, Ny and I go to the Art Institute out here. I said back. Fuck the small talk, Shawn I miss you. She blurted out. I stood there puzzled, and confused. Before I could respond, Nyla walked up. Hey babe, everything okay? She said embracing me in a hug and a kiss. Yeah, you remember Rebecca don't you? I said wrapping my arm around her. Yeah, wassup. She said to Becca. Ny was cool with Rebecca, but they didn't talk much after high school. Me and Becca fell off during high school, but remained friends, sorta kinda. Well it was good seeing you two. She said before walking away. What was that about? Ny asked as we both watched her walk away. I don't know. I think she still has feelings or some. I replied still looking confused.

    Well she made her decision in high school. She snapped back. And besides, its too late. You're mine now. She said wrapping her arms around me, and placing her head on my chest. I know babe, you're right. It just feels weird, how the past just keeps popping up. I replied. It is pretty suspicious, but we got each other babe. She reassured me. As long as we stick together, we can handle anything. I loved this girl with all my heart, and what she said had calmed me for that moment. But still, something didn't feel right. I gotta stay on my toes.

The Sensei.

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