Chapter TwentyEight.

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     I woke up the next morning around 9am with Ny cuddled up under me. I kissed her forehead as she still slept, got up and went into the bathroom to shower. Nyla was still sleeping when I finished. I through on my yellow hoochie daddy shorts with different flowers and designs, a white tee, and some white Nike socks for the day. Today we were going to meet our professors for our majors. So, Ny and I wouldn't be in the same class today. The classes started at 12pm. I went downstairs to get some fruit and roll a blunt. I took the blunt and my fruit to the balcony and sat down to smoke and eat. About ten minutes after Nyla came down from her shower dressed in a short black skirt, a white shirt, and her white vans. How did you know what I had on? I said with a smile as Nyla kissed my forehead. Great minds think alike. She replied with a smile as she sat in my lap. She took the blunt from me and took a few hits. So, El serious question. She said straddling my lap, turning towards me and looking into my eyes. Wassup, mamas? I said getting the blunt back from her. Do you think we did the right thing, us getting together? She asked hesitantly.

     I took a few hits of the blunt and looked into her eyes. Are you happy with where we are right now? I asked her concerned. I am, I-, I- I just don't wanna lose you. I know how it was with Aaliyah. So, if those feelings ever come back, I need to know, baby. She replied softly. I sat up and held her waist as I looked into her eyes. Nyla, you've known me damn near forever it seems like. And you know how I get when I'm in love. I'm not going nowhere, and my feelings will never change for you, my love. I said reassuringly. Okay, daddy. She said with the biggest smile. But wait, wait, wait. You in love with me, El? She said as her eyes lit up as she caressed my face. Yes, I'm in love with you Ny, forever will be, stink. She quickly kissed me passionately. She couldn't stop blushing. I loved making her smile she was so beautiful. We finished eating our fruit and smoking. We headed to campus around 11:30am. I walked her to her class first. It felt like we were in high school again. I gave her a passionate kiss, then headed to my class a few doors down. Our classes were both an hour and a half long. After class, Nyla met me at my classroom door. Hey baby. She greeted me as I was coming out of the door. She gave me the biggest hug. How was the first day of class, shorty? I asked. I loved it. I feel like I'm gonna learn a lot from my professor. She already loves my work. She said gleefully. I loved seeing her so passionate about what she loved.

     How was your class, my love? She asked with a smile. It was amazing. I learned a lot of new styles for my art. I said happily. We headed to get some chinese food then headed home. I love how connected we are. We ended up falling asleep. I woke up around 6:30pm. Hey babe, I'm about to go see my bro for a lil bit, you wanna ride with me. I asked caressing her shoulders. No, go ahead baby. Just let me know when you get there, I'll be up when you get back. She said in sleepy tone. I kissed her forehead then got up and shot Ron a text. I got there in about ten minutes. I shot Ny a text then headed in. Wassup lil bro. Ron said greeting me at the door. Just came to kick with ya, man. I said walking in his house. You and Ny still going strong? He asked as we sat down. Yeah man. That's my baby, you know how I am about her. I confirmed with a smile. Yeah, I'm proud of you, my boy. I'm glad to see you happy, instead of with these weird muhhfuckas. He said laughing. We smoked, talked, and played 2k for a while. It was good to come chop it up with my big bro. We always had that connection. And he always been there for me. I guess cause dad wasn't around, he had to step up for me. It was around 12am when I decided to head home. Ight lil bro, text me when you get to the crib. He said walking me to the door. I started to walk to my Jeep. Suddenly, I heard tires screeching, then shots rang out. Then the car sped off.

     El! El! My brother yelled running out to me with his gun in hand. Fuck we gotta get you to the doctor.


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