Chapter 2

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Warning, slight Ibiki x Genma and a little mature

In front of me sat Shikamaru Nara, Shikaku's son, after his dad left we just stared at each other... I blinked.

Did he just smirk?

I went back to finishing my paperwork, why did this shit even exist?!

Clunk, something hit my head. THAT BRAT JUST THREW A PENCIL AT ME!!! I sent a fierce glare towards the miniature demon, How DARE he throw my own things at me! I don't care if it's a baby if it wasn't Shikaku's brat I would have thrown it out a window by now!

I just kept glaring at it hoping it would light up in flames, why the fuck is it giggling?!


I sat up in front of Ibiki Morino head of the T&I division, originally when I heard from my dad that I would be watched by Ibiki as he did some work I was planning on reading some of the books he had on his bookshelf or pretend to mess with some important documents or files when I'm actually reading them, if I'm going to be bored with nothing to do, better find something useful to waste my time with, but no, instead of being placed on the floor to crawl around to find said items, I was placed on top of his desk with nothing but a toy for me to chew on.

Not to mention I just pissed Ibiki-san off out of sheer boredom, how? Well after he lost our little staring contest, which was the only amusement I had for a couple of seconds, he flat out ignored me, so I through a pencil at him.

What a drag

"Listen here you drooling demon, " Ibiki spat in my face, "you're going to sit there and cooperate till your dad gets back or I'll-" Ibiki was cut off.

"Come on Ibiki, you'll scare the little runt."


I made my way down to Ibiki's office usually I would go bother Anko but I heard that my little muffin only had paperwork to do, poor baby was probably so bored and lonely without me right now, maybe when I get there we can have a nice conversation... Possibly more?

I smirked at my dirty minded thoughts.

I stood in front of Ibiki's office to see him trying to intimidate a baby and failing. If this isn't blackmailed material, I don't know what is, "Come on Ibiki, you'll scare the little runt."

Ibiki crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the wall to his right, "Not my fault this... Thing through a pencil at me!" I walked closer. Leaning over his desk I poked his nose with a smirk, "That thing, " I pointed at the kid, "is just a baby." Ibiki muttered under his breath possibly cursing the child out or planning his demise.

It started at me for a second before lifting his arms up in a 'pick me up' gesture then pointed at the ground.

This kid is pretty smart.


Shikamaru was then placed on the floor where he watched in amusement as Ibiki was relentlessly teased by Genma.

That amusement soon left after Ibiki pulled Genma into a fierce kiss, "Ibiki there's a kid RIGHT there." Ibiki pulled him into another long kiss, "That thing is just a baby." Ibiki mocked, "Besides, the little rodent probably doesn't have the brain capacity to understand what's going or to remember, and it's just a little-kissing nothing traumatizing."

Keyword: Probably



I don't have anything against gays, in fact... I mentally smirked thinking about my Naru(when he's older of course), God I can't wait to see him again.

The only problem was that they moved there little make-out session to the couch Ibiki had placed in the corner of his office and that's when they started to get a little handsy...

Lucky for me Genma left the door open, well that's going to be pretty embarrassing, for their sake, I hope Anko isn't the one to walk by and catch them doing the dirty, she'll NEVER let them live it down.

Maybe wondering around the building a bit won't be too bad, I might find a way outside and I could possibly enjoy some cloud watching, I haven't been able to in a very long time and I missed doing so.

Being A Baby Is Such A Drag

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