Chapter 24

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-Naruto's POV-

My hands were red and green from spray paint and there was also some blue paint on my face, the Hokage gave me an amused smile, "Is there something you need Naruto?" I gave the Hokage a panicked look while running my hands through my hair, "So I was setting up a prank and I heard Mizuki ask Itachi's mom if he could speak to Itachi's dad and later he came out from behind the house carrying his body covered in blood! BELIEVE IT!!!" Hiruzen looked at me in surprise, he probably expected for a more childish problem.

Hiruzen started to call Anbus, Jonins, and a couple of Chunins (did I spell any of that correctly...) to his office, he sent the Jonins and Anbus after Mizuki and the Chunins to inform the Uchihas. In a little under an hour, they came back with Mizuki, Fugaku's body, and a jar that held Fugaku's Sharingan eyes. There were a couple of Uchihas in the room, Mikoto stood there with tears in her eyes and a female Jonin rubbing her back comfortingly. 

Hiruzen was about to speak but was interrupted by Mizuki, "I didn't do it! Ask that Nara kid, I was with him! Somebody set me up!" I glared at him, "Shikamaru?" Hiruzen asked Mizki nodded. I huffed stomping my foot, "I saw him though, he's lying!" Hiruzen only shook his head in thought before ordering a chunin to go get Shikamaru and his father and mother.

I start to tap my foot impatiently, "Naruto I would like you to explain exactly what you saw." I groaned annoyed, I already said this, "I was setting up a prank across from Itachi's house and then I heard somebody coming up the road, I didn't want to be caught so I laid on top of the roof trying to stay as low as possible," (the roof was flat on the top) I started making wild hand gestures smiling proudly to myself, "I looked over the ledge and saw Mizuki knocking on the door, Itachi's mom answered and I heard a little bit of the conversation but enough to know that he wanted to talk to Itachi's dad, you know?" I made a face, "I waited a couple of minutes and then out of nowhere Mizuki is sneaking out from the back of the house carrying Fugaku-san's dead body!" I yelled dramatically.

There was a knock on the office door before the chunin entered with Shikamaru and his parents right behind him. Mizuki looked at Shikamaru, "Great, tell these people that I've been with you all day." Shikamaru furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean, I've been hanging out with my mom all day and when I left I was at the library." Shikamaru gained thoughtful look on his face before speaking again, "I did say hi to you on my way to the library though." 

Hiruzen nodded, "Did you see where he was heading?" Shikamaru nodded, paused for a second in thought and then nodded again, "He said he was going shopping in the Uchiha districted. One of the Uchihas stepped forward, "I actually did see him walking around, "He never bought anything and just looked at the items." A couple of Uchihas nodded in agreement, things were not going well for Mizuki. 

-Original POV-

I couldn't believe it all worked with not even a little bit of difficulty, I thought that there would be a little more suspicion on the Hokage's part but it all actually went smoothly. The Hokage told Mikoto that she would be the clan head until Itachi was at least two years older than he is now but I trust Mikoto, she wouldn't endanger her kids by starting a coup so I wasn't worried about it. Fugaku only cared about himself and the clan name, not about how dangerous it was for the children of the clan.

Even if Mikoto ever did decide to start a coup, she wont do it for the two years that she'll be in power. Mostly, I'm happy that he didn't give that power to the Uchiha elders.

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