Chapter 7

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Honestly, this was a drag. I was planning on finding Naruto today (after lunch) but I guess plans have changed since Mom and Dad wanted to see their friends and have all of us meet up.


I sat in front of two other 3 year olds, gross at least Hinata was a little more intelligent and civilized, Ino was still sucking on her thumb getting spit and slobber all over her hands.

Don't even get me started on Choji who was sloppily eating a bag of chips getting it everywhere! Don't these clans teach their children manners?

Disgusting pigs, and to think this will one day become my team, now that I think about it I'll have to deal with Ino's banshee like sequels and screams about the troublesome Uchiha all over again, dammit.

Pretty much for a whole minute I glared at the two in disappointment, "What's Wong!" Ino said in a high pitched squeal, how my ears weren't bleeding? I don't know.

I don't know about you but I think my ears actually ARE bleeding!

I just glared at her, "Your gross." I know it wasn't mature but at this point she was going to make me puke up the food mother made as well as make me lose my appetite for barbecue.

She sniffed, "W-what?!" My glare hardened, "You both are disgusting." Tears welling up in her eyes she yelled, "Nd what give you te right to say tat?!" Damn I think my ears actually are going to start bleeding at this point...

"First of all your getting chips everywhere and eating with you mouth open spitting some of your chewed food in front of you and possibly getting it onto others and into peoples food, and not to mention I don't even think it's allowed to bring outside food into here," Choji's mouth snapped shut chewing on his food quietly while he rolled up the bag, ignoring the crumpling sounds the bag made as Choji tried to force it into his small pockets I continued, "you're the worst though! You're almost eating your own hand getting spit and germs everywhere especially when you touch something be more considerate of the people around you! Not to mention how unbearably rude you are, lower your voice for gods sake, I'm surprised your parents aren't deaf by now, much less my self I've only heard you speak twice and I think my ears are going to bleed! You're disturbing the peace you troublesome baby!"

They both started crying, maybe I went a little to far, they're only three after all, then again I'm also three...  physically at least.

"Shikamaru Nara, you do not speak like that to others, that is rude and disrespectful!" I huffed, "I see it more as," I paused thinking of a way to put this, "Constructive criticism?" I mother looked surprised, "H-how in the world did you learn that word, your only three for heavens sake!" I smirked, "Your point?" I felt my dad pick me up.

"Maybe we should leave him away from those two, I honestly don't want to know what other words he knows that would get us in trouble. Kami only knows what people will say in front of children these days." So I sat there in my dads lap as we all settled in at the booth.

"Um," Inoichi tried to break the shocked silence, "Smart kid you got there, I remember when you had Ibiki watch him that one time and he managed to escape, funny thing is he couldn't even walk only crawl, I think he was trying to make it to the exit!" Inoichi laughed, "Huh, Shikamaru do you remember? I wouldn't really be surprised if you did even then you were unusually smart." I gave him a blank stare, "Actually, yes, yes I do but only a little the interesting stuff." I paused, "For black mail purposes of course." A smirk made its way on my face.

"Oh?" Ino's mother but in, I see where Ino gets gossiping about everything from, "Sorry, but the point of Black mail is to keep it to yourself to use against others later." She huffed crossing her arms, "Fine."


I agree

Inoichi sweat dropped at his wife and I, what? Can't a Nara have some way to get to people without needing to move a finger? We are known for being lazy so I would rather have dirt on someone to get at them than to actually have to get up off my lazy ass and do something about it.

I have a serious problem, troublesome.

Hah, you JUST noticed that?

The waiter soon came by (took them long enough) the adults ordering for us which kind of bothered me because I'm technically a full grown male that can order his own DAMN food, sadly they don't know that.

The struggle is real!

Once again there was a long uncomfortable silence of which Inoichi had to break again, "So have any of you started training your kids? I for one haven't but there are some ninja families that do around this time." My dad shook his head, "I find it to much of a drag to have him training at this age, then again it could help him in the future..." Choji's dad (forgot his name) then spoke up, "I haven't started either but we have been telling him about chakra and jutsu(spell?) so he has a good head start when he's in the academy!"

I gave them a blank look, can't they see that they could just wait to train them during the academy? I mean those two are only three give them time for their brains to develop more before you start stuffing information into those tiny sculls of theirs.

I had to do everything in my power not to face palm then and there, and I thought they were supposed to be strong and admirable shinobi as well as leaders of a clan but they can't even make an obvious decision like this?

If it's such a big problem why not, I don't know, SAY SOMETHING!!!

I don't want there attention on me, Inoichi is obviously gonna start questioning me, and some of the answers to this questions might make them suspicious of me I'm only 3 for gods sake.

Oh, maybe I should have just put you in your older 12 year old body...

Actually I am able to do a lot more at this time, like stop the Uchiha massacre, I'm starting to have second thoughts about saving Hinata since there isn't a fool proof plan right now and Hinata's birthday is REALLY close, troublesome.

Yep, not like you couldn't use the powers I gave you to hide in the shadows and knock the guy out, that would be just CRAZY!

If none of you caught that she was being sarcastic... actually it would be quiet dumb considering I'M THREE YEARS OLD YOU TROUBLESOME DEMON WHO WOULDN'T QUESTION HOW A THREE YEAR OLD KNOCKED OUT A NINJA!!!

Dammit, I keep forgetting about that.

I sighed in frustration ending up getting a look from my parents, "What's wrong Shikamaru?" I quickly wiped of all emotion from my face crossing my arms and giving my self a bored expression instead, "Just annoyed, and bored, and there's also the fact I had something to do today I forgot about."

Inoichi had a confused look, "And what exactly would a three year old need to do that was oh so important?" I paused making sure to keep on my bored expression, it was hard considering my body still didn't have the experience with lying so I had to do everything in my power not to give myself away, sadly everything in my power wasn't enough since this happened.

"I wanted to see Hinata at the park I needed to tell her something." My hand made a sudden twitch indicating that I was lying to which the three trained shinobi, one literally worked with T&I, my dad is a is the Nara clan head, and Choji's dad... I don't really know what he dose but he's a shinobi and clan head none the less I would be surprised if he didn't know that I was lying.

Dad sighed, Inoichi and Choji's dad gave me a look, dammit I'm screwed.

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