Chapter 15

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Going home was the same only difference is that I got to spend more time with Naruto, there was only about a good couple of days till Hinata's birthday and I sadly have to train with Danzo that day, maybe I'll just skip training that day... Nah, Danzo'll probably crash the whole party just to get to me and Hinata's birthday is probably going to be bad enough with her dad there and getting kidnapped and shit.

Are you seriously not gonna do anything?

What am I supposed to do? I already have Danzo up my ass as punishment for helping Naruto prank the Uchiha, I don't need them breathing down my neck because I defeated a ninja that kidnaped Hinata. AT THE AGE OF 3(or 4 still can't remember)!!!

Well, maybe you can get kidnapped too, get your dad to come to the party and maybe he'll have the smarts to stop Hinata's dad from killing the ninja.

"Shika, it's your move you know." I looked down at the board, I was able to win but I think I'm gonna let this play out a bit longer.

-Time Skip-

(to the morning)

Last night I won the game after giving Naruto a couple of tips and then we went to bed, I decided to go to the training grounds on time today so I made a sandwich and left.

Danzo wasn't there yet he's late, a good 15 minutes late actually, he probably made a stop at my house thinking he'd have to drag me here. I saw him walking up to the training grounds with Ibiki and Anko right behind him, "You're late Danzo, I actually made the effort to get out of bed and come here on time and your late?" his eyebrow twitched in annoyance as he huffed and went to sit.

"These two ninjas, Anko and Ibiki, are going to be your teachers for today, I thought it would be quite a nice punishment for these two to train you since they can be quiet... brutal." I groaned in annoyance, this is too troublesome, don't they know that I'm like 3? (or was he 4, I forgot)

He was right the training was tiring I just wanted to go to sleep, currently, I was hiding from Anko and Ibiki as they hunted me down, I had a couple of scratches from barely avoiding senbon and bruises when they found me and I had to try to not die, I only had 10 minutes till we had to stop and do something else, maybe they'll give me a break. I quickly knocked on the tree as to not jinx myself, thank god this place is full of wood or I would have jinxed myself.

Dammit, I just wanna go home and sleep, I'm barely learning anything and all I've done is dodge shit and hide, maybe I'll just think of this as speed and reaction training.

I sat in the tree for the rest of the time hiding my chakra and staying perfectly still, this training made my balance a little better since I didn't wanna waste too much chakra sticking to the trees so after some time my body got used to it especially since I couldn't use my hands to grab onto things since my body still wasn't good at hiding my chakra without the hand signs so I had to use them for that instead.

Soon I heard the bell ring and ran back to the area we originally started in, "Good work Shikamaru, but next time I don't wanna see as many injuries I wanna see progress." I nodded lazily, next to Danzo stood a woman who was small with light brown hair, large brown eyes, lightly tanned skin, and wore a white t-shirt, black sweats, and dark grey tennis shoes, the kunai pouch was strapped on her right leg and her head protector was tied around her waist, she looked slightly nervous as she took small glances at Danzo then to the ground, she probably hasn't worked with Danzo before, "Laya, please heal Shikamaru we have things to do!"

The lady jumped up as she got to work, I wasn't really looking forward to the rest of training but I had a good hour left I'll manage.

-Time Skip-

Turned out this was a healer Danzo got who will be there to heal my injuries from training for now on till my month with Danzo ends, she was actually pretty good at healing but seemed scared for her life everytime Danzo was around and became a bit clumsy so that became a bit of a problem once or twice.

I was practically crawling back to the house, once I got there I was greeted at the door by Naruto who hugged me excitedly and I just pretty much collapsed in his arms, "Nar carry me, I'm dying..." he huffed but didn't reject as he pretty much dragged me to the couch.

"You're the best Nar..." he glared at me slightly, "Yeah, yeah, and you need to take a shower later, you smell like death itself." he walked away probably back into the kitchen to help my mom.

I knew that if I fell asleep Naruto would wake me up so I slowly dozed off.

I was right because not even 20 minutes later Naruto came and woke me up, "Shika, dinner's done and after your mom said we have to take a bath before bed, you know." I ground, "But I wanna sleep." he just shook my shoulder harder, "Shika, you're mom's gonna come in here if you don't get up." I whined but knowing he was right I got up and made my way to the dining room with Naruto right behind me.

"So what did you and mom make?" Naruto looked at me with a big grin, "Spaghetti, I made the noodles all by myself, believe it!" we waited a couple more minutes with Naruto talking about his day and what he and Yoshino did which was quite entertaining, mostly because of the way he said with excitement as he probably exaggerated most of it.

The food was actually really good and after Naruto and I were pretty much ordered to go take a bath by my mom so other than almost dying in training, today has gone pretty well and in a good two days Hinata's birthday will come up I'll mostly try to stay by her side to the best of my abilities and if I can get her dad and my dad to let me spend the night I can stay with her then too.

I didn't know if I should bring Naruto or not, it might affect how well Naruto knows her and I know that Hinata will probably start that small little crush of hers early and I honestly didn't want that happening especially since if they meet now Hinata will have a better chance of getting at Naruto...

Possessive much?

No, I just had him first.

If you think about it she had him first since she had a crush on him before you did, well, before you went back in time.

Well, I never saw her or anyone else kiss Naruto (other than Sasuke that one time) or hold his hand so I had him first.

In the future maybe.

Well... shut up.

Nar made me crawl into bed with him since he didn't want me sleeping on the floor and I didn't want him on the floor as well, he was really warm, probably all that chakra he has, I soon fell asleep moving closer to the warmth.


Here's an image of what the medic-nin looks like...

Made this myself! I forgot to color the head protector in

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Made this myself! I forgot to color the head protector in... oh well, it's supposed to be a dark blue if any of you wanted to know.

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