Chapter 20

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My mom came into my room and woke me up, for once I slept longer than her but now I was extremely tired and wanted to go back to sleep, my mother saw this and glared at me, "If you aren't down there in ten minutes I will come up with a bucket of ice and water and we'll see what happens." That got me up real fast and I soon made my way downstairs. Mom didn't make breakfast today and instead, there was a bowl, a box of cereal, and milk on the table with a note saying that mom had left to go shopping with friends and dad had already left for work. Usually, if one left one would still be here to "watch me" till the other got back... what did they do?

There was a knock on the door and outside the door was Team 2, Itachi's god damn team.

"Hello, Shikamaru." Itachi stood there sending me the famous Uchiha glare, "Wow if it isn't Itachi Uchiha the pacifist, didn't peg you as one to hold a grudge." his glare grew harsher, Naruto and I may have made more than that one prank on the Uchihas. The only difference is that we weren't caught those last few times and they didn't have any evidence to accuse us even though they knew it was us.

He sighed as I invited his team inside, "So since our moms are hanging out my mother thought it was a good idea to have your mom request that my team watches you." I cursed under my breath, "Troublesome." I looked towards his uncomfortable team members.

(I don't know if this was about the time he got that new team, I know he's a Genin and has the Sharingan so I'm going to assume this is his new teammates...)

"So I have somewhere to be after I eat and I would very much like if you'd just not? Please." Sadly, the magic word didn't work and the female teammate came over and started fawning over me like I was a child.

That's cause you ARE one, you idiot!

Still, even if I was I would have still been able to outsmart her.

"AW, you're so cute!" she picked me up and hugged me and I looked over at Itachi and made a face, he was fucking smirking. I heard more knocking on the door, but after a second whoever it was just opened it, "Shikamaru I saw you through the window on my way to our meeting place and saw you being attacked by some weird chick, believe it!" The future Naruto everyone, still an airhead.

I facepalmed, "Lesson one, Naruto if I was being attacked you don't just barge in, and I thought you knew better." he glared at me, "You're a jerk, you know!" he looked at Itachi, "Hey it's that one Uchiha!" I coughed in my hand to cover up my laugh. The girl set me down, "Oh my god!" she squealed, "Look at his whisker marks." I ran grabbing Naruto's hand, "Run she's crazy!"

And that's how Nar and I ended up starting our morning, I didn't even get to have my breakfast... I leaned up against the tree of our meeting spot, we were able to shake them off and get here and there are some surprisingly vicious deer currently protecting this spot for the moment.

"Do you know what would be cool?" I looked at Naruto raising an eyebrow, "If we found a different spot and built a treehouse and just had you do that weird Nara thing where you got a few deer to protect that spot." I smiled nodding, it would be nicer than meeting up in some random clearing that every Nara who wandered this part of the forest knew about. Creating our own place that nobody knew existed would be nice. Nobody would know either, the deer would stop them from getting too close to it.

"We'll think about that after we think of a few other more important things after we can get ramen and then talk about how we'll even build it. Can't have other people knowing about it." He smiled nodding, "We have two years to plan this so let's start with throwing out some random ideas." Naruto was mostly the one doing that saying the most random and crazy shit, mostly for the fun of it and maybe to spark some good ideas from me.

"Ooh, we could blame it on some random person like a really weak civilian. The great Uchiha head brought down by some old crippled civilian lady not even able to reach the height of his waist." Naruto was rolling on the ground laughing. My eyes widened, "Naruto that's a great idea! We need to blame it on someone." he smiled catching on to my idea.

Naruto thought for a second actually acting serious about this, "We can bring something that incriminates someone to it and I distract Itachi somehow, most likely with a prank, you somehow kill Fugaku, and BOOM! They get taken away to interrogation, we won't get caught, and Itachi takes over the position as clan head stopping the Uchiha massacre." I smiled at Naruto who had a shit eating grin on his face.

We sat there for a second, "Now we just need to think of who and how."I murmured, "We can think of that another time, right now we need to get some ramen and think about our treehouse!" We both got up and started to walk out of the woods.

"There you are, I thought we were going to have to tell the Hokage we lost you, I don't think Itachi is very happy with you right now..." Behind his sensei stood Itachi waves of crappy attempts at KI coming from him. Did he really think he was fucking scary? He might be in the future but still. To think this useless Jounin was actually scared of the twerp.

"Wait sorry, what did you say?" Naruto just pulled a Kakashi, he would be proud, "We weren't paying attention..." Yeah, he may have changed it up a bit but it still rendered the guy speechless. after Naruto gave the guy a two-second window to speak I cut him off, "Let's go Naruto, he obviously has nothing important to say." I walked up to Itachi and hugged him, "Sorry if you thought I was mean to you." I said using the innocent chubby face of mine to my advantage. He was caught off guard and I took his wallet. As we walked off I showed Nar the wallet, "We'll have to thank Itachi for buying us ramen later." Naruto and I laughed and walked away planning on the tree house on our way there.

What the fuck, you're grown ass men.

Physically we're children...


You jealous or something?

... Yeah, I wanna have a tree house.

Too fucking bad.

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