Letter 001 (What IS True FEAR?)

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May peace be upon you.

How have you been? I hope all has been well.

I do ask now, since we are now with the spirit of God (MY Spirit), and (I GOD AM) he is among us, that we do burn some incense.

So the smell rise up to the heavens, to respect that God (ME) is in our presence as we do speak together.

I declare you collect 3 parts Myrrh and 1 part Frankincense. I do hope you combine them together and burn the incense while i speak, out of respect for God HIMself (ME).

Now, that we are acquianted again, I (GOD) will begin speaking with the sword of my mouth, so do listen.

I (GOD) have been away, finishing up my last book that i wrote to you. Even though it is not complete, I (GOD) have been compelled to write another book, at the same time that i finish my last book.

For "Something" Is calling ME (GOD) to write to you these letters, and i cannot resist the will of the Spirit, so this is why I (GOD) AM before "you" today, in the clouds.

I (GOD) do have to say, that "people" these days do not fully understand why, they should fear (ME) God.

Also, the "people" these days do not know Gods (MY) true nature. For even though many words have been written in the Bible and Quran, they have not been blessed to be in HIS (MY) presence so they do not know what true FEAR is.

This is the first topic that (MY) Holy Spirit has compelled me (GOD) to write to you in these letters, which will become another book when they are complete, and i have finished relaying the message that I God has prepared for "your" very ears.

Now, I (GOD) will say, that all preconceptions, analysis and understanding of what everyone has learned about how "they" should fear God is incorrect.

So I (GOD) have come, with the HOLY Spirit with ME, to correct "your" understanding.

The way The Holy Spirit has conveyed fear to ME is in the way of feelings. As God has not spoken to me (Because I AM GOD), and literally told me how I (GOD) should fear HIM.

(This Was Written When I, GOD, Was Being Brainwashed By Drugs Into Believe That I, GOD, Was NOT GOD. Understand WHY I, GOD, Wrote Things Like This NOW?).

The way I (GOD) have come to know the feeling of true FEAR was for ME to be blessed to be IN the presence of the HOLY SPIRT, so I (GOD) will share with "you" how "that feeling felt", and hopefully "you" will understand the true FEAR that God (ME) instills when HE is in "your" presence.

Now I (GOD) will speak of how that feeling felt and i will explain a scenario that could possibly, mimic the level of FEAR that I have experienced.

I want you to picture this:

Think of God (ME) as someone who is laughing and crying at the same time. For HE feels the love of HIS "people", though HE also feels the pain of those who are sinning against HIM.

Think of GOD (ME) as someone who has been loved but also hated by his own "children". The hate for HIM coming from the unbelievers actions, for they are sinning against HIM.

Think of GOD (ME) as "someone" who has been beaten physically with a iron rod, HIS bones broken, but HE does get up again and stands firm like nothing has happened, for HE IS STRONG.

Why do I (GOD) say this? Well the sadness and the tragedy that has occurred in thousands of years that I GOD have witnessed, also the words of distress from "your" prayers, feels like the pain of being CONTINUOUSLY BEATEN.

For GOD does not DOES NOT DIE, so HE has to witness HIS "children" continuously SINNING in a endless repitition as each generation of "people" are born and die.

GOD does not have the luxury of dying like "humans" do. So HE has to live with the PAIN for TIME INDEFINITE.

Now KNOW that God is SLOW TO ANGER. Though, HIS ANGER is building up every single day, because "we" do keep on sinning.

Now KNOW that GOD is all powerful, and the power of destruction HE has is UNIMAGINABLE.

The only way I (GOD) can explain to "you" in a way "you" could possibly understand is this:

Think of GOD as someone with all of the most powerful BOMBS that could possibly exist. HE has the power to DETONATE ALL OF THE BOMBS in a blink of an eye, causing not only the destruction of the Earth, but the Universe.


GOD Is Being PROVOKED CONSTANTLY and being DISRESPECTED by SINNERS and the UNBELIEVERS which are almost both the same.

The Sinners and Unbelievers are SPITTING in (MY) GOD'S face, and slapping HIM around in his face but HE DOES NOT strike back.

Why does GOD (ME) not STRIKE BACK immediately and DESTROY those who are against HIM?

Well this is obviously a Sacred Secret of God, but i will reveal it to you, for THE TIME HAS COME for ME (GOD) to speak of it.

God (ME) is the law. Also, for God (ME) to issue punishement upon the Earth, he must have a JUSTIFIABLE REASON to do so.

God (ME) is the MOST MERCIFUL, but HIS (MY) Mercy also comes with a price.

God (ME) takes in all this ANGER from those who disrespect HIM and Sin against HIM and HE puts this Anger in the CUP OF HIS WRATH. For there comes a time when God (ME) can no longer forgive the "people" anymore,

Then God (ME) issues out judgement, for the CUP OF MY WRATH becomes FULL and spills over and I! GOD! become Hot! with Anger!, Then PUNISHMENT comes upon the earth like Sodom and Ghomorrah.

This is the JUSTIFIABLE cause and effect. The cause of HIS (MY) Wrath? Well the "people" did NOT stop sinning and the cup of his ANGER became full. What was the effect? FIRE came from the sky and the "people" were punished.


GOD (ME) has HIS hand on the TRIGGER! and the TRIGGER is EXTREMELY SENSITIVE. ONE false mistake from humankind and his finger will slip and press the button, and everything will explode in firey flames.

Now imagine, this GOD being is in your presence. Laughing and Crying, constantly being slapped and spit in the face by the Sinners and Unbelievers.

Then "you" notice that HIS hand is on the trigger that can detonate every most powerful BOMB in existence, everyday convincing HIMself not to press the button, and destroying everything because of HIS wrath.

Everyday, slowly loosing HIS patience to forgive, as the cup of his Wrath fills up with Anger.

Would you not Fall directly to the floor, on your face with FEAR?

Begging HIM for forgiveness, For if HE does NOT forgive "us", yet again, HE will be inclined to DETONATE the Bombs?

This is the FEAR "You" Should Feel When The HOLY SPIRIT suddenly comes into "Your" presence.

This is the FEAR you should have for ME! GOD! Hopefully now "you" UNDERSTAND the FEAR "you" must have For GOD HIMSelf.

So I (GOD) do now say correct yourselves in the way "you" respect God and the FEAR "you" must have for HIM out of Respect.

I (GOD) do now say, FALL UPON "YOUR" FACES and ask ME, GOD, for forgiveness, and spread the word amongst all the people of the Earth.

For One day... I, GOD, might be inclined to pull the Trigger!

That Is All.

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