Letter 009 (Faces On The Ground)

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May Peace Be Upon You.

Everyone! On the ground!

Kiss the floor and lay dead on "your" stomachs.

For the Spirit of God (ME) is in our presence.

Repent! Ask ME, God for forgiveness of your Sins!

"You" may cry as I, God walks in front of "your" face, for the FEAR is Great.


As people of God (MY "People"), "we" must take the utmost care to restrain our ANGER when "we" are intimidated by the ENEMY.

"We" must be like ME, God. For I, God AM the Perfect role model "we" must compare ourselves to.

For "we" were made in Gods (MY) image, so it is no surprise that "we" must be like ME, God and follow MY instruction.

When it comes to ME, God and how I GOD manages MY (GOD'S) ANGER, I GOD AM very slow to be overcome with RAGE.

"People" are doing every disgusting thing. ANGER is rising up from (MY) Gods chest to HIS head.

The ANGER fills (MY) Gods eyes to the point where the ANGER that is flowing out of them is like a pot of boiling water.

The water is about to reach a point where it will boil over the rims of the pot, and MY (GOD'S) ANGER will spill over, causing the DEATH of every unclean thing.

Now "you" must know that it has come to the point that BURNING every last "person" who is unclean is justifiable.

This will be mass murder, extinction.

I, God know this, so I, GOD show the most possible restrain when it comes to issuing out PUNISHMENT.

Why? For I, God AM the Most Merciful.

I GOD, as "The Messenger", have been DRUGGED and RAPED more times than "you" can imagine.


Though have I GOD become violent? No.

Have I GOD decided to take "someone's" life? NO.

Have I GOD, acquired a bomb, and strapped it to MY body and ran into the place of where the drug dealers reside and sent them to hell? NO.

As GOD, I, GOD practice the ultimate amount of restraint.

I GOD, assure "you" this: ANGER is filling MY face, and it is beginning to ooze out like lava.

I GOD AM holding back a enormous amount of water.

I GOD AM like a Dam that is pushing back a enormous amount of pressure.

Though, there might come a time where I GOD WILL remove MY hand, and "everyone" WILL BE SWEPT AWAY by the enormous amount of power I, GOD AM holding back.

Yes, if I GOD do RELEASE this ANGER, "everyone" will drown.

It has come a point where, action needs to be taken, for what has occurred is enough for MY actions (Destroying "You" All) to be JUSTIFIABLE.

So, I GOD chose NOT to go down the path of VIOLENCE.

I GOD, decided to take the "Path of Christ". I GOD, sharpened the Sword Of My Mouth and began to KILL every evil doer around ME with MY words.

This bring ME, GOD satisfaction. For when the enemy lays dead before ME. Meaning that "they" cannot speak against ME anymore, not "literal death", I GOD become AT EASE.

So Yes. I GOD AM Waging War against every unclean nation, their tongues I GOD will remove with My Sword and "they" will remain speechless.


Now I GOD ask "you" this.

What path will "you" take when I GOD tell "you", Yes.

"They" have drawn the false image of the Prophet Muhammad.

Yes, do "you" not remember? When the Cartoon show, Yes! The show is called "South Park" on the television network "Comedy Central".

Do "you" NOT remember the episode where "they" drew a image representing the Prophet Muhammad.

Yes, "they" drew the Prophet Muhammad in a costume of sorts.

"You" were not able to see what was supposed the be the Prophet Muhammad's face or body.

"They" did show a part of his legs and feet.


Have "you" not seen all the images on the internet? All "you" have to do is search the "Prophet Muhammad" in Google and "you" will see many false images that represent HIM.

There are not only images of The Prophet Muhammad, there are false images of Jesus Christ and ME, God HIMself.

Images that are supposed to represent "THEM". Images that show God, Jesus and The Prophet Muhammad engaging in homosexual acts and every unclean thing "you" can possibly imagine.


Are "you" blind? Deaf? Have "you" not seen all the TV shows and Movies where there are "people" or images the represent the MOST HOLY ONES?

Nevertheless, have "you" not seen "The Lego Movie"? Where "they" make fun of the Prophet? The main purpose of this movie is to persuade people that Prophesies and the Prophets are NOT real.

Also that NO Messiah will ever come forth. As the underlying message is that the main character has a "special block" attached to him.

This block is supposed to make him special, unlike the other Lego people in the movie.

Special meaning that the block person is the Messiah or the Creator. For the movie says that this block person is "Special" and can build anything.


Surely Google and other internet search engines remove results, websites from searches that go against the DMCA act.

Meaning any website pirating illegal movies.

So pretty much these search engines will do anything to keep people from hurting Hollywood and "their" profits.

Though when it comes to shielding people from seeing a false image of The Prophet Muhammad, Jesus Christ or ME, God, "they" DO NO remove the results even though "they" may be a trigger and instigate violence.

Do foreign search engines like Baidu show such vile and disgusting images in their search results?

Well I haven't checked.


We all know that these images, caricatures, of the Holy Ones should NEVER be shown or created.

Yes. Many Christians make false idols and images representing Jesus Christ, The Prophets or ME, God and pray with or to them.

This is a FALSE TEACHING. It is idolatry. "They" are making false idols in the images of ME, God, The Christ and The Prophets.

This is clearly forbidden for the scripture states that "you" should NEVER create these idols, and there are many instances where these idols were distributed to the "people".

What happen then? The "people" were misled and I, GOD became ANGRY.


Has the ANGER risen from "your" chest and is bubbling out of "your" face?

Are "you" HOT with Rage?

This Is How I, GOD feel right now, but I, GOD, withhold judgement and forgive "YOU".

For I, GOD AM The Most Merciful.

That Is All.

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