May Peace Be Upon You.
So what is so called "mental illness" that "you" hear all the time.
How do these "people" become "mentally ill"?
Well the common misconception is that "mental illness" comes out of nowhere.
That "people" just suddenly become "mentally ill".
NO. What REALLY is GOING on to these "people" is truly a TRADGEDY.
Like lets say, how does "someone" become "Clinically Depressed"?
Well there are MANY ways "people" become "Clinically Depressed".
Either the Enviroment "they" are in causes "them" to become "Clinically Depressed"? ("they" are poor, the the living situation is horrible, problems in school, no friends, ect).
There are MANY reasons, though to become "Clinically Depressed", is Depression that is CONSTANT and lasts 2 or more weeks..
The cause of "their" Depression doesn't change. Meaning, that there is NO HOPE for the cause of this Depression to ever leave "them".
In example, if "your" "parents" were drunkards or drug addicts and there was screaming constantly and fights in "your" home. (This Is A Example Of A Situation With "NO Hope").
If "you" are a Child, the possibility for "you" to EVER leave that situation is SLIM.
Why? Well a "Child" CANNOT just GO and leave "their" Home, and live somewhere else where this situation does NOT exist.
So the cause of them becoming "Clinically Depressed" is that "they" LOOSE ALL HOPE. It is IMPOSSIBLE for this situation to change. "They" are STUCK, and the CAUSE (Of "Their" Depression) remains CONSTANT (it does not change).
Same with pretty much all the CAUSES of "Clinical Depression". Like lets say, the "person" was POOR and "they" could NOT find a Job.
This "person" never was able to find a Job, so "they" remained Poor.
Then "they" became "Clinically Depressed". Why? Well the CAUSE of the "person" becoming Depressed, did NOT change.
The "Person" NEVER found a Job, "they" remained POOR, "they" LOST ALL HOPE and became "Clinically Depressed", the cause REMAINED, and it became a CONSTANT.
I GOD can keep GOING with this almost Infinitely. Say a "Child" keeps getting Bullied in School. The bullying NEVER stops, because NO ONE does anything about it.
The "Child" becomes "Clinically Depressed", Why? The Bullying NEVER Stopped, the CAUSE of the Depression NEVER went away, so "they" became "Clinically Depressed". Again Why? The cause of the Depression remained CONSTANT.
Meaning it NEVER went away (The Bullying Never Stopped).
So now I GOD say this, was the "Clinical Depression" caused by a MYSTERIOUS Chemical Imbalance, or because NO ONE gave a FUCK about these "people"?
All Mental Illness (Except Birth Defects) has a ORIGIN.
Same CAN be said for Anxiety. Why are "people" Anxious?
Well OBVIOUSLY these "people" were either Traumatized before, so every little thing causes them to be on HIGH ALERT, like "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder".
The cause of this "Disorder" is Trauma. Like these "people" saw HORRIBLE THINGS on the Battle Field.
Or were Beaten, Abused, Raped Ect.
The TRAUMATIC events "they" experienced were SEVERE.
Also the situation "they" were in, DID NOT change (Constantly Being Abused) Etc.
Communications Declassified - BOOK ONE
Non-FictionThese ARE Communications Made Between ME, And The "CIA/FBI/IRAN". These Letters ARE NOW On "Declassified Status". Letters Will Be Published EXACTLY As Written "Previously".