May Peace Be Upon You.
Well obviously, as "brothers", "we" all do know that I, GOD AM ONE.
Though there are "people" on this Earth who believe in more than ONE God.
"They" believe there are many Gods. In example, that there is a God that dominates the waters and the seas. Or a God that controls the Sun, the Rain, ect..
Some "people" believe in fairies, elves and even believe that there are mystical creatures that are in the form of animals that have the power of God.
Nevertheless, there are "people" who believe that inanimate objects, idols, people, demons ect.. Should be worshipped.
Lastly, there are "people" who believe there is no God at all.
So is it possible for ANY of these "people" to be saved? Even if "they" NEVER find the TRUE GOD (ME), "they" never worship GOD or believe in HIM at all?
Well there is a answer to this question and you may be surprised what it is.
The scriptures say that HE is the ONE who searches the hearts and kidneys.
This has a part to do in the judgement of these "people".
Let me give "you" a example.
A Indian "person" who believes in many Gods may say "I am a good person, I do good things. How can there be a God who will smite me just because I am not in your religion?".
Well I, God truly know who is good and bad. If this Indian "person" will never give up on the belief that there are many Gods because "he or she" has been brainwashed by the Devil, well then I, God will forgive them.
(This Was BEFORE I, GOD, Absorbed The Powers Of Satan).
For the false teaching was so ingrained into "their" hearts that "they" could never find the truth. In showing that HE (I GOD) is the most merciful ONE and that HE (I GOD) AM the TRUE and ONLY GOD, I, GOD will give "them" a second chance.
Only of course, if "they" were a good "person", doing good things.
If "they" are a bad person, doing bad things, "they" believed is many Gods, even if "they" were brainwashed into believing in false teachings, "they" will NOT be forgiven and "they" will NOT receive a second chance.
"They" WILL surely be BURNED.
The thing is that "people" who believe in many gods, no gods or follow false teachings are surely ones that are committing Sin.
Why? Well how can "someone" who has never received Gods (MY) teachings only be doing good things?
Proof being that "people" who believe in no god, false gods, many gods, worship idols or demons are the ones in the world doing every kind of drug and drinking alcohol, committing adultery, sleeping with prostitutes and loose men and women, engaging in homosexual acts, stealing, eating pork, engaging in incest, committing crimes...
The list goes on and on and on...
Why are these "people" doing these things? Well "they" do NOT have the teachings of (ME) GOD in "their" minds so how can "they" know NOT to do these things?
These "people" do NOT believe that there is a authority in heaven, or that I, GOD AM the LAW.
So "they" go about doing every bad thing possible. For "they" do NOT believe there are any repercussions for "their" negative and vile actions.
Are Gods "people", going out at doing all these bad things? No. For "they" have the FEAR of God (ME) HIMself in them, and this keeps them on a good path.
So now back to this Indian "person" that believes in many Gods. What is the possibility that "someone" who believes in many gods, false gods, no gods ect.. Is a "person" who is only doing Good things and is a Good person?
I assure you this, the chances are VERY SLIM!
Of course its almost impossible to judge "everyone" the same way.
For there are many reasons why "people" do things. Whether its bad or good. Everyone is different, in different situations and environments.
There might be Good people doing Bad things because "they" are forced to do it, they have no other choice ect..
That's why they say "only God knows" so only I, GOD or "someone" with the insight and know how to possibly know everything that has occurred in a "persons" life and can see into their hearts can possibly judge them, like the Messiah (ME).
I, GOD, truly know who should be BURNED, so be VERY AFRAID if "you" are Committing Sin.
Now, there are "people" on this Earth who either cannot literally understand who I, GOD AM and study MY word. For either "they" cannot read, or have very low capacity for intelligence.
As those "people" who may be brain damaged or mentally retarded. These "people" cannot study, believe, or understand the word.
So even if "they" do bad, they ARE forgiven, because "they" cannot even understand what good and bad is.
So when "someone" comes to ME and says "I don't believe in GOD", "I believe in many Gods", " I believe in no God", "I am a good person that does good things".
I, GOD, will surely say "how do you truly know that 'you' are only doing good things? For 'you' do not know of the TRUE GOD. 'You' do NOT truly know what is really Good and Bad. How do 'you' know 'you' are NOT doing Bad things? How do 'you' know everything 'you' are doing is Good?".
That's when the "person" who said such things STOPS SPEAKING, and "they" walk away, not being able to argue that FACT.
"People" who are born or forced into false teaching, by "parents", the government, the devil, liars and false religion and the word of I THE TRUE GOD never reaches them, even if "they" do bad things, "they" WILL be forgiven.
"They" will be given a second chance to repent and learn the TRUTH.
Why? Well it is NOT "their" fault that these "people" were led astray by the Devil or never heard Gods word, so how can they be judged guilty?
In example, let's say, I, GOD, had a chair that "you" shouldn't sit on, and "you" sat in it. I, GOD later came in the room and said "'you' are not supposed to sit in this chair". How can I, GOD, punish this "person" for sitting in my chair that "they" were not supposed to sit on? If I, GOD never had the chance to tell them and teach them that it was bad?
So yes, this "person" WILL be forgiven for sitting in MY chair, "they" are innocent, because "they" did not know that sitting in that chair was forbidden.
Would "you" punish a "child" for something "they" did and "they" did not know it was bad? Well a good "parent" would forgive "them" and teach "them" what "they" did was bad and not to do it again.
If the "child" though fully understands what "they" are doing is Bad and "they" do it anyways, then "they" are guilty and "you" should punish them.
"You" should judge "people" the same way, for I, GOD sees "you" as "children". For compared to I, God, age wise, "you" are LESS than babies compared to ME!
So will a "person" worshipping false gods or no god, idols ect.. doing bad things, knowing what "they" are doing is BAD with NO REMORSE be forgiven?
NO! Like the "child" who already knew that "they" should NOT to the BAD thing and did it anyways is GUILTY.
Salvation will NEVER come to these "people", Yes, they WILL be BURNED!
How about if "they" repent?
Well if the "person" repents, after doing something BAD, knowing what "they" did was BAD and did it anyways?
In that case, its up to I, GOD if I, GOD want to forgive "you" or not.
That Is All.
Communications Declassified - BOOK ONE
Non-FictionThese ARE Communications Made Between ME, And The "CIA/FBI/IRAN". These Letters ARE NOW On "Declassified Status". Letters Will Be Published EXACTLY As Written "Previously".