May Peace Be Upon You.
There are MANY different ways some can Martyr themselves, Martyrdom does NOT always have the end result as "Death".
I GOD, will explain. The levels and severity of Martyrdom can vary. Of course it depends on the situation and how, when and where "you" Martyr "yourself".
Let's say I GOD ran in front of a car and pushed "you" away. I GOD ended up getting hit by the car but "you" didn't.
"You" could say: "well, 'HE' Martyred 'HIMself' to save 'you' from getting hit by a car by running in front of it and pushing 'you' away".
There are different things "you" have to ask yourself:
Did "your" Martyrdom benefit or help anyone else?
Was "your" Martyrdom needed?
Was there no other choice, no other option "you" could take but Martyr "yourself" and that given point in time.
Will my Martyrdom have a beneficial impact, to "my family, friends, strangers, mankind"?
Is my Martyrdom going to have a negative impact on "people", places or things.
Do the benefits of my Martyrdom outweigh the negative consequences or repercussions that will occur if "you" were Martyred?
Lastly, and most important, is "your" Martyrdom for ME, God, and will it please HIM (ME) if "you" sacrificed 'yourself" is such a way?
These are all the things "you" should contemplate when "you" are about to Martyr yourself. So be sure to ask "yourself" those questions before "you" act.
"Your" Martyrdom does NOT directly have to be for ME, God, to please ME God.
How so?
Think about the "person" who jumped in front of the car to save a "stranger". "Their" Martyrdom saved "someone's" life.
"Their" Martyrdom had a positive impact.
Life is precious so in "you" saving a life by putting "yours" at risk shows that "you" Love other "people" and "Mankind".
This will make ME, God smile will it not?
Other ways "you" could Martyr yourself is let's say this scenario:
"You" went out protesting for a cause and "you" were Martyred ("you" died).
This is another case where Martyrdom might not be completely for ME, God, though it may please HIM (ME).
How so?
Well if "you" were protesting for a cause, and the cause will save others or benefit Mankind, I, God will definitely smile upon "you" for making such a sacrifice.
Again, Why? Well "you" had love for "your" fellow man in your heart, and "you" died fighting and protesting for "them".
"You" are truly "someone" who puts "others" before "yourself", so "you" WILL be blessed.
This is also another example where "your" Martyrdom does NOT have to take away life. The only life that was lost was "yours", so this kind of Martyrdom is like how Jesus was Martyred.
Martyring yourself for ME, God, for the purpose of preserving MY Dignity, Trust, Love, "People" and HIS Teachings is the kind of Martyrdom that truly pleases ME, GOD.
Communications Declassified - BOOK ONE
Non-FictionThese ARE Communications Made Between ME, And The "CIA/FBI/IRAN". These Letters ARE NOW On "Declassified Status". Letters Will Be Published EXACTLY As Written "Previously".