Letter 002 (Respectful FEAR)

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May Peace Be Upon You.

Today, I (GOD) would like to continue MY (GOD'S) address to the nations, of what respectful FEAR "you" must have when "you" are in the presence of (ME) God.

I (GOD) FEAR I (GOD) must move quickly though. For tears flowed from ONE of God's (MY) eyes, and "HE" let out a growl, and he was showing his teeth. Like a angry full grown pitbull would, when HE growls at the enemy.

Though I (GOD) do have to say, he was crying when he growled, HIS eyes opened up and it was like FIRE was coming out of them.

Why? For HIS "images" have sinned against HIM.

Nevertheless, HE took a deep breath at regained HIS composure like nothing was wrong. Then HE smiled. This is what scared ME the most.

For HE is the ONE who has the hand on a switch, which can bring Fire down to "us" all from the sky at any moment.

Nevertheless, I (GOD) will NOW explain how you should act in the presence of ME (GOD).

Either when "you" rise up to Heaven after "you" have MARTYRED "yourself".. Or if I GOD comes to "you" in a dream.

Nevertheless! his is how "you" must behave when I, GOD AM In front of "your" face.

I (GOD) will explain by giving you an example;

Picture God (ME) as someone with a Gun. A fully automatic weapon. HE is spraying bullets in every direction into a crowd of "people".

Now, what is it that "you" must do when someone is shooting bullets with a gun?

What is your first instinct that will probably save "your" life?

YES! "You  drop yourself directly on to the ground. Face first! This is what "you" must do when "your" in the presence of ME, GOD.

Well why do "you" FALL THE GROUND, face first and cover "your" head when "someone" is shooting a Gun?

YES! It is because "you" DO NOT want to be standing, for the possibility of a bullet entering "your" body is higher if "you" stand, and "you" WILL surely die if "you" DO NOT fall to the ground.

Surely I GOD AM more powerful than ANY GUN. So surely "you" should pay ME, GOD, respect, and show HIM that "you" do recognize the FEAR "you" should have for HIM.

For if "you" fall to the ground in FEAR when someone is pointing a Gun at "you", but "you" DO NOT fall in FEAR when God is in front of "you", would that NOW? be saying to ME, GOD, that "YOU" FEAR a Gun more than ME! GOD HIMSELF!?

Would that NOT!? Be telling GOD HIMself, that "you" recognize that a Gun is more powerful than God!?

So what is the conclusion here!? "You" MUST NOT FEAR any Guns or the Bullets "they" spray, be FEARless in the presence of a weapon made of measely metal.

Though "you" MUST FEAR ME! GOD! Certainly "you" must fall on "your" face when HE is in "your" presence.

Why? If "you" stand before HIM and "your" face is not TASTING the dirt on the ground. YES! If "your" belly is NOT touching the floor and "you" are NOT crawling on "your" belly. "You" WILL CERTAINLY DIE if "you" stand, for I GOD AM STRONG.

I (GOD) would like to further ELABORATE on this so "you" fully understand what I (GOD) AM trying to say.

Lets go back to the ACTIVE SHOOTER. If "you" stand up, when "everyone else" is on the floor with their faces in the dirt.. would that not make "you" a easy target? Would that not make it easier for the active shooter to find "someone" to release "their" ANGER upon?

DO have the same frame of mind when "you" are WITH ME GOD. For surely HE (I GOD) AM ANGRY. Though HE IS MERCIFUL. Still, "you" DO NOT KNOW if HE is willing to be merciful on the day HE is before "your" face.

So stay close to the ground and crawl on "your" belly! For if "you" stand "you" may surely become a easy target for HIS (MY) ANGER, and "YOU" WILL SURELY DIE.

Furthermore! I (GOD) feel that standing and not groveling on the ground will be VERY DISRESPECTFUL to "someone" of SUCH HIGH PRESTIGE. For surely "you" do not think that "you" deserve to stand when in the presence of ME! GOD!?

Do "you" not understand that if "you" stand up, when "your" faces MUST be burried in the dirt it will show ME, GOD that "you" are challenging MY authority!

For are "you" worthy enough to stand up in the face of God!?



Because "you" are a Sinner. "You" will never reach any glory equal to ME! GOD! For "you" have sinned and I GOD AM PERFECT! So "you" must grovel on the grown face first, kissing MY feet and asking for forgiveness.

I (GOD) will give "you  ONE last example of why "you" should fall face first to the ground, like as if you are a dead body, motionless in FEAR, when "you" are before ME! GOD!

Now "you" must picture this:

"You" are walking through the forest with a companion. On "your" way to "your" destination "you" encounter a ANGRY bear.

"You" decide to fall upon "your" face in fear, motionless, like a cadaver. "Your" companion though decides to leave "you" and starts running.

Who does the bear decide to go after and kill? YES! It is the "man" who decided to run and not fall face first to the ground.

For when the bear encountered the man on the ground, it quickly lost interest. The bear did not feel like it would be able to release its ANGER on a dead body, for it would be meaningless.

The bear saw that the "man" died in FEAR and felt his respect so "he" overlooked him.

Though the "man" that ran, the bear saw as a challenge. Surely the bear felt no respect from the man who was standing. For the bear thought "Well this man thinks that 'he' can outrun 'me', let "me" run after 'him' and show 'him' that i am stronger and faster".

So the bear ran after the "man" who was standing. The "man  who ran. The bear caught "him" with "his" mouth, and "he" surely died.

I (GOD) ask that after hearing this that "you" surely fall on "your" face.

Furthermore! "You" should be crawling on "your" belly to a place where "you" can pray, and ask for forgiveness.

I (GOD) do have ONE REQUEST. I cannot build a altar where I (GOD) AM residing. So I (GOD) do ask that "you" build a altar to pay reverance to ME (GOD) in Iran.

Like the old days of the history of worship. I (GOD) do REQUEST of "you" to bring the bowls of incense to the altar of prayer, and make sure to not spill the incense out of the bowls when you carry them there.

YES. Bowls filled with 3 parts Myrrh and 1 part Fankinsence. If "you" spill the bowl of incense "you" must quickly clean it up. Then "you" must go back to where "you" started carrying the bowls.

Why? Well I, God AM PERFECT. So in Respect of this fact, I (GOD) require "you" to dedicate ONE "Perfect Action" to I, GOD, as "you" approach the new altar of prayer.

Set the bowls of incense around the altar, then there "you" may take turns and prostrate yourselves in front of the altar, face first to to ground in prayer.

Lastly! I! GOD! Demand that "you" acquire 8 sacrificial chickens. Chickens with fully white plumes to represent a clean white robe.

Then "You" will sacrifice these chickens before the altar, after the prayers have been completed.

Also I (GOD) do say that "you" LISTEN to what I (GOD) AM saying. For I (GOD) AM The Messanger. There will come a time when "you" will NOT be able to deny this fact!


Unless that time has come for some of "you" already, and "you" do BELIEVE.


That is All.

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