Letter 034 (Denial Of Religion)

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May Peace Be Upon You.

I GOD will NOW speak of the DENIAL of Religion IN THIS COUNTRY (The United States). For THIS COUNTRY forces "you" to DENY your RELIGIOUS PRACTICES by FORCE and Cunning Mischievous Plots.

I GOD WILL Explain.

Lighting of Incense is FORBIDDEN in practically almost EVERY RESIDENCE "over here" (The United States).

Incense is something that is used in the practice of MANY RELIGIONS for Worship, Meditation, Paying Respect for the Dead Etc.

So HOW can ANY "People" POSSIBLY do those things when lighting of Incense is BANNED?

It's NOT literally illegal by Law to light incense, but landlords ENFORCE this "rule" DENYING ANY RESPECT for Religious Practice.

Furthermore, the NAZI Regime associates the Practice of Religion with Insanity.

My First Love that I GOD Lost used to NEVER allow ME to READ THE BIBLE in "our" household, Imagine if I GOD WANTED to READ THE QURAN?

Why? "IT", The Number 6 used to say "If 'you' read that Bible again 'you' are GOING to GO crazy again. Put that Bible away, don't read it".

6 Used to also say "'YOU' reading that Bible again? 'You' are GOING to go crazy again! Put it away!".

6 Also said "I'm going to call the Cops again and get you locked up if you keep reading that Bible!" then "IT" would snatch it away from ME and hide it.

So what did I GOD do? I GOD started reading The Bible in secret, also when I GOD used to get locked up that was also a time when I GOD was able to do reading away from "IT".

I GOD have only read The Bible ONCE in MY Life. I GOD MEMORIZED it so The Bible could always be with ME, even when I GOD was NOT allowed to read ONE.

(NOW I GOD Have Read The Bible Like Twice).

"You" think I GOD was able to even Read The Bible freely in Mental Institutions?

NO. If I GOD would start Reading The Bible ALOUD so "EVERYONE" could HEAR, the Doctors would come at ME with Syringes and Inject ME with Drugs to Pacify ME.

Why? Because I GOD was inspiring HOPE in the other "People" that were institutionalized and that was "causing a disturbance" also "they" said that I GOD was "too overly obsessed with Religious Practice, which meant that 'MY symptoms were showing again', so I GOD had to be DRUGGED to make them GO away".

Nevertheless! The OTHER REASON the NAZI do NOT want "YOU" to buy things like Incense is because "they" DO NOT want "you" buying Cultural Goods from Other Countries.

The NAZI Regime ONLY wants "YOU" to Buy the Goods "they" Sell and Produce to HINDER any Profits going to Countries like India.

For if too much money is GOING to Countries like those, "they" would become TOO POWERFUL and Overthrow the United States.

So the NAZI limit the possibilities of Buying Goods from other countries by FEAR MONGERING in the Media. Persuading that Goods from other Countries are of Very Poor Quality or Contaminated.

"They" say these things to the "people" in the News, On Talk Shows, On the Internet Etc.

Wherever "they" can. So products from Countries like China, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, Vietnam WHATEVER/WHEREVER are NOT purchased by the American "People".

So "they" ONLY buy goods Made or Repackaged in America.

Get MY drift here? All these things are PLOTTED in secret by the Government and Corporations to Increase Profits and Limit Cultural Goods from Foreign Countries.

"They" are Practically Issuing "Secret Sanctions" on these products so every OTHER country but the United States will FAIL.

WHY are these plots SO EFFECTIVE in CONTROLLING the American "People"?

Well it's because THE TELEVISION (The False Image) is "their" (The Masses) GOD, and "they" (The Hypnotized) LISTEN to EVERY WORD and COMMAND "they" are BRAINWASHED into following.

That Is All.

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