May Peace Be Upon You.
Immortality, there are many concepts of what immortality is and theories of how to become immortal. Well obviously, immortality comes to those who keeps Gods (MY) name in "their" hearts and minds, even in death.
Well that is not what I (GOD) AM going to talk about right now. I (GOD) know many Sacred Secrets, and I (GOD) know immortality is something "everyone" wants to know about, for so little is known (to the common "people") about immortality.
Though it has been spoken about in the Bible, Quran and other holy texts and religion.
I (GOD) will speak of now about a concept and truth about immortality that "you" have never even thought of, though I (GOD) know, for I (GOD) know the Sacred Secrets.
Not only can Flesh become immortal, so can inanimate objects, groups, products corporations ect.
"You" are probably saying "what? what is HE talking about? HOW can something that was never alive, live forever?".
I (GOD) will give you an example and explain:
Lets say just as an example, a prophet comes forth, the Son of God arrives, ect..
Then "they" start drinking Coca Cola. When they are walking around, relaxing, eating ect.. they drink Coca Cola.
People see a Prophet or the Son of God drinking Coca Cola.
Will not the prosperity of Coca Cola increase. Well "people" will say "the Son of God drinks Coca Cola! It must be Good, so lets drink it also".
The chances of the Corporation of Coca Cola failing becomes very slim. Why? Well the Son of God drank Coca Cola, so "everyone" began to drink Coca Cola so they became extremely rich.
Now though, in this happening, logically yes, it will be very hard for Coca Cola to fail. Why? Well the Son of God drank Coca Cola and "people" kept drinking Coca Cola for everytime "they" drank Coca Cola, "they" thought of the Son of God so "they" did not stop drinking it.
Now, in this Occuring, The Corporation that makes Coca Cola lasted as long as "people" thought of the Son of God. Since "people" will never stop thinking about the Son of God, "they" will also never stop drinking Coca Cola.
For the Son of God and Coca Cola are now both linked together.
Since the THOUGHT of the Son of God is immortal on its own self. Meaning "people" will never stop thinking about the Son of God.
So will the THOUGHT of Coca Cola become immortal.
Why? Because both thoughts became fused together, Coca Cola and the Son of God.
Now if "people" are thinking about the Son of God, wont "they" probably drink some Coca Cola?
Why? Well because the Son of God Drank it.
So will not the PROSPERITY of Coca Cola last forever because the Son of God drank it? Yes.
So will not the Corporation of Coca Cola last forever because the Son of God lasts forever? Yes.
Now did not a inanimate thing, a Corporation become Immortal, meaning lasting forever just because the Son of God drank it? Yes.
A further example. Now lets say the Son of God or a Prophet wrote a book, lets say like the Bible or Quran.
A book that will always be read by "people" of every nation forever and ever.
Now lets say on one of the pages it said "the Son of God was walking in the pasture, drinking Coca Cola".
Since "everyone" will always read this book because a Prophet or the Son of God wrote it, and in one of the pages it mentions Coca Cola, Coca Cola will be on anyones mind who reads this book.
Since the book will last forever because the Son of God or a Prophet wrote it, so will Coca Cola.
Why? Well every time "someone" read the holy book, "they" read the page about Coca Cola, causing the reader to want to try or buy Coca Cola, for the Prophet or the Son of God drank it and "they" wanted to be just like HIM.
Now, I (GOD) just without a doubt proved that Immortality DOES exist, not only for flesh and blood, but inanimate things ect.
First off The Bible and Quran are "Immortal Books". "People" will never stop reading them. "They" are only immortal because a immortal being wrote them.
Anything that is linked to a Immortal being, or a Immortal book becomes Immortal.
So Yes. Just because the Son of God or The Prophet drank Coca Cola, a inanimate thing / corporation, it also became immortal.
Why? Because the Son of God and The Prophets live FOREVER.
Now, in ME (GOD) Proving that Immortal Things DO exist, does not the Promise of Paradise and Heaven, living FOREVER after "you" die not become a clear FACT!?
This is why I (GOD) say "people" are BLIND. Well now that I (GOD) have spoken, surely those Cataracts have fallen from "your" eyes, and "you" REALIZE that the PROOF that Immortality DOES exist. SO why were "you" ever afraid of becoming Martyrs?
The Proof that Immortality DOES exist has been in front of "your" Eyes this whole time and "you" did NOT see them.
(The Immortal Holy Books, The Bible and Quran).
This also brings us to the other conclusion that Martyrs are the only ones that TRUELY believe in ME, God and that there is Life after Death.
Why? Well "they" sacrifice themselves and are NOT afraid of Death, because "they" had complete Faith in God and "Their" Religion so "they" went forth to the next life, without hesitation.
That Is All.
Communications Declassified - BOOK ONE
Non-FictionThese ARE Communications Made Between ME, And The "CIA/FBI/IRAN". These Letters ARE NOW On "Declassified Status". Letters Will Be Published EXACTLY As Written "Previously".