Letter 026 (Potential)

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May Peace Be Upon You.


The NAZI watch "people" who have POTENTIAL.

They (The NAZI) WATCH "people" with INTELLIGENCE.

"People" of GOD (MY "People"), Sinners and Unbelievers.

When these "people" with POTENTIAL and NEW, Groundbreaking Ideas, "Produce".

Produce As in Inventions of EVERY sort, Art, Peotry, WHATEVER.

They (The NAZI) HARVEST these Ideas from these "people" like "they" are harvesting grain.

For "WE" are just CATTLE here (In The United States).

After the CATTLE (The "People") CANNOT produce any more Ideas, Inventions, they RAPE them ENDLESSLY and VIOLENTLY.

Then "they" (The NAZI) throw "them" (The Victims) in Mental Institutions so "they" can DESTROY "their" "CREDIBILITY".

So when these "people" say "NO, it was ME who Invented This" The NAZI just say "this man is crazy, he did NOT Invent this, it was "US" (The NAZI).

Since these "people's" (The Victim's) CREDIBILITY was RUINED and the "people" (The Masses) believe all the LIES the government officials say and what's "written down on paper".

The NAZI can make a clean getaway with the Ideas "they" stolen (From The Cattle/Victim's) and Profit off of them.

The NAZI do this over and over with ANYONE of Intelligence that "they" find.

Why? Well it's a EFFECTIVE and PROFITABLE method that has NOT failed "them" (The NAZI) yet.

Well I GOD do say this, "they" will CERTAINLY FAIL now before the face of GOD (MY Face) and the NAZI WILL be UTTERLY and INDEFINITELY BURNED WITH FIRE.

For MANY BOMBS will FALL FROM THE SKY, and ALL the NAZI will be SWEPT AWAY into the Abyss!

The CATTLE will NO LONGER produce anything anymore for the NAZI and the Ideas and Inventions will BENEFIT the WHOLE of Mankind.

Instead of the EVIL DOERS.

Wolves in Sheeps Clothing (Are The NAZI).

So Hide in Mountains and Say "Cover Me, For The Wrath of The Lamb has ARRIVED and Where? Can 'We' Hide from HIS (GOD'S) ANGER?".

That Is All.

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