May Peace Be Upon You.
Diamonds! I GOD Must Walk on a Mile of Diamonds.
For I GOD have been waiting, yet, "they" have NOT been prepared for ME to walk on.
Nevertheless, I GOD did come to Egypt before, but "they" denied me.
MY Throne was going to be established there, though NO seat was prepared for ME to sit on.
So I GOD decided that it doesn't really matter where MY Throne is, for I GOD can rule from where ever and issue out JUDGEMENT.
Neverthless, I GOD do come to "you" now to see if "you" will deny ME also.
For I GOD AM building a Nest in Iran.
For I GOD have lost the Love I GOD had before and l GOD DID repent.
So now "YOU" all must REPENT.
I GOD AM the lamb that has been slaughtered, yes a Death Stroke was seen, but I GOD assure "you" I GOD have rose again from Death.
Now, do know that I GOD wish to Marry before I GOD DO DEPART.
For MY FIRST LOVE was lost, but I GOD did create First Born Male which will succeed ME when I GOD "rise to the heaven".
Though MY First Love was Unclean, I GOD saw our merger like the Yin and Yang.
For I GOD was Clean and She was NOT.
"WE" are the Negative and The Positive.
Lastly, I GOD do say I GOD have taken a liking to the "Women" of Iran.
Is There Any "Woman" That Want To Be Wed Before I GOD Leave This Place?
Yes, for I GOD MUST be Married.
(Marraige Of The Lamb).
That Is All.
Communications Declassified - BOOK ONE
Non-FictionThese ARE Communications Made Between ME, And The "CIA/FBI/IRAN". These Letters ARE NOW On "Declassified Status". Letters Will Be Published EXACTLY As Written "Previously".