May Peace Be Upon You.
9/11. "Everyone" acts like its a Mystery of why it occurred.
9/11 happened because Muslims were being Killed and Raped Brutally.
So Osama Bin Laden called AlQaeda and Crashed Planes "Everywhere" (The Twin Towers).
Nevertheless, many members of Alqeada and other Factions were captured, and what?
"They" got BRUTALLY RAPED and soldiers took pictures of "them" afterwards and showed all "their" friends.
I GOD AM sure "they" burned all the Qurans "they" had with "them" (The Captured Muslims). "They" Probably pissed and shit on the ashes.
Remember Guantanamo Bay? Yup the CONCENTRATION CAMPS where Members of AlQaeda are tortured, drugged and pacified?
"We" sure have alot of planes here. How would "you" feel if we crashed them all over there?
Not good right? Well lives will just keep getting lost ("people" will keep dieing) if "people" keep trading punches.
When "you" PROCLAIM JIHAD, it is probably on the context of getting REVENGE on those who died in "your" countries.
(So It's A ENDLESS CYCLE Of Muslims Dying, Then JIHAD Being Proclaimed Against The Murderers).
Though I GOD AM sure that the "people" in the Twin Towers had nothing to do with all the Killings and Rapes of Muslims.
So Judgement was flawed (Crashing Planes Into The Twin Towers), even if it was REVENGE for innocent "people" being killed.
Well I GOD AM sure all Muslims were angry about "their" "brothers and sisters" being killed.
As "you" can see, attacking the Twin Towers just ended up in more Muslims being killed.
(The War In Afghanistan, ISIS All That Bullshit Waste Of Time).
Why? Well "people" here DO NOT CARE about The Prophet Muhammad. Many "people" HERE do not even know WHO "The Prophet Muhammad" is or what HE Accomplished.
Many, Many "people" HERE, the vast majority have never even seen a Mosque or been inside ONE.
So how could "they" RESPECT "someone" (The Prophet Muhammad) "they" (The "People" Here, I GOD Was Referring To America) Do NOT even know?
The MISCONCEPTION is that Terrorism occurs "out of no where".
Thats what the governments want "YOU" to believe.
They want "you" to believe that ALL Muslims are "crazy people" who PROCLAIM JIHAD for no reason.
"They" want "you" to believe that Muslims just want to Kill "People" and take away "their" freedoms.
NO, there is a cause and effect behind all ANGER that originates from the Muslim "people".
Muslims are like any other religion. I GOD AM sure itf all these things were happening to Christians and Jews ("They" Were Being RAPED, TORTURED, KILLED Etc Over And Over Again) That "they" would "Radacalize" also.
When "people" are strapping bombs and blowing "themselves" up in a crowd of "people", IT'S FOR A REASON.
Christians and Jews, some of "them" who DO NOT practice RESTRAINT would probably strap BOMBS onto "themselves" too if "they" were being KILLED and RAPED over and over and over and over again.
"People" just don't get ANGRY like that "just because".
Of course the Jews have sinned HORRIBLY when it comes to the cause and effect of a RELIGIOUS WAR.
The Jews have teamed up with the (NAZI) Oppressor and have thrown away "their" religious values.
Using the Oppressor (The NAZI Regime) as a Role Model, "they" became the NAZI Oppressor "themselves".
This is why the Jews have become the "Synagogue of Satan".
(This Was BEFORE I GOD, Absorbed Satan Into MY Body, Well The Jews Are LITERALLY The "Synagogue Of Satan" By Worshiping ME GOD Now Aren't "They"?)
"They" (The Jews) REJECT The Christ and The Prophet Muhammad.
I, GOD will NEVER come to Isreal again.
This is why I GOD will NOT come to Isreal.
For I GOD rejected the Jews and Isreal.
(Because "YOU" Rejected ME GOD By NOT Beliving In The Christ And The Prophet Muhammad).
I GOD said NO, I GOD will NOT Establish MY Kingdom there.
So (Jews) wait around FOREVER and pull "YOUR" hair out.
For The Messiah (ME) will NEVER step inside "YOUR" temples.
I GOD, will NEVER shine light upon "you" any longer.
For "you" have Rejected ME, so I GOD will Reject "YOU".
An Eye for a Eye.
Nevertheless I GOD came to Egypt before and was REJECTED.
So The Messiah (ME) will NEVER step in Egypt again, neither will I GOD shine light upon "them" (The "People" In Egypt) anymore.
Now I GOD have ARRIVED in Iran, Will "YOU" Reject ME So? (As The Egyptians And Jews Did?).
Furthermore, the Oppressor became more VIOLENT because of course "they" have to protect the "people" in "their" country.
So I GOD say, JEWS! Fall before MY Feet in Repentance.
LASTLY! Practice Restraint and Become Like ME (GOD), Take the Path of Christ and GO the HARDEST WITHOUT VIOLENCE.
Though I GOD AM sure "many" will NOT be able to be like ME (The Unclimable Ladder) and contain "their" ANGER, do NOT worry.
I GOD Forgive You!
Yes, Yes...
That Is All.
Communications Declassified - BOOK ONE
Non-FictionThese ARE Communications Made Between ME, And The "CIA/FBI/IRAN". These Letters ARE NOW On "Declassified Status". Letters Will Be Published EXACTLY As Written "Previously".