May Peace Be Upon You.
I GOD AM a Bank Robber. I GOD AM entering a Bank where all the Money is stored.
I GOD Then Shoot a Few Rounds of Bullets in the Air!
What do "People" Do?
YES! "They" ALL Fall To The Floor in The FACE OF ME! GOD!
I GOD then take ALL THE Money and BURN IT!
Why? Well the SAME MONEY that "you" use to buy Groceries has been used as a tool for SLAVERY.
YES! This Money has been used to Purchase Little "Children", To Pay "YOUR" "MOTHERS" for a QUICK SESSION OF SEX.
YES! This MONEY was used to BUY DRUGS which ENSLAVED all the "people".
So MONEY, Will be NO MORE.
Now I GOD do say this! Everything that is MY Creation (The Creation of God), That IS supposed to be FREE is being sold by all these GREEDY CORPORATIONS.
Also, FEAR has been used to BRAINWASH "people" into buying them.
I GOD Will Explain. Here in THIS COUNTRY "We" have the Most Abundant, Clean Water in probably all the Earth.
Yes, "you" can just "open the tap" and the Water will never run out. "You" can run it almost FOREVER and NO ONE will die of thirst.
There are almost no cases of water born illnesses. As NO ONE has to Boil Water here.
So why are "people" NOT drinking from the tap water?
Well it's because the Media has persuaded the "people" that the Water is CONTAMINATED and BAD. When there is actually NOTHING wrong with it AT ALL.
I GOD AM sure the Water here is cleaner than any water "you" would collect in a well in Africa or the Middle East.
Though the Corporations have put the FEAR in the MASSES of "people", so "they" will ONLY BUY WATER (To Drink).
Yes! Even in a City like New York City people choose to ONLY drink water that comes bottled from a corporation.
How much more Greedy can the NAZI get?
I GOD said "I GOD give you these Tree's and 'you' may eat the fruit from them as much as you wish".
So where are the Tree's!?
"They" have been cut down by the Corporations.
So the only way "you" can get Fruit is by buying it from THEM (The NAZI).
WHO Do "You" Know owns Tree's HERE that produce Fruit?
(I GOD Was Living In A City/Town When I GOD Wrote This)
I GOD assure "you", it is a Luxury that is Rare.
If "you" CONTROL the Water and Food, "you" can CONTROL the "people".
For if "you" are NOT a SLAVE to the Corporations and work to get MONEY, "you" WILL STARVE and DIE OF THIRST.
SLAVERY. What are "they" GOING to Bottle and Sell NEXT? AIR?
Nevertheless I GOD do say NOW, if "you" come WITH ME, I GOD will lead "you" to a place where the Water Flows FOREVER.
"You" will NEVER be Thirsty again. For where I GOD AM GOING To Where The Waters of Life FLOW FREELY and the Water is Clear like Crystals.
Lastly, I GOD do say this. I GOD will also let "you" Eat From the Tree of Life. "You" will NEVER go HUNGRY again.
Yes! "You" will LIVE FOREVER.
I GOD AM like a KEY which can Open ANY Door.
I GOD can walk freely in or out of the Abyss, IGOD can open the door here and walk through it into Paradise, or I GOD can open the door to Heaven.
I GOD can walk freely as I GOD wish and come in and out of ANY door as many times as I GOD Want.
Furthermore, I GOD have to say that for anyone GOING with ME, it is a ONE way trip.
Either to the Abyss, Paradise or Heaven.
For you are NOT like ME. After I GOD open the door and "you" walk through it, the door will lock behind "you" and "you" will NOT be able to open it.
Why would "you" want to come back (To The Place "You" Were Before) if "you" are dining with the King in Heaven, or Living Forever in Paradise?
I GOD AM The Key.
I GOD AM The Answer.
So Who Is Going With ME!?
That Is All.
Communications Declassified - BOOK ONE
Non-FictionThese ARE Communications Made Between ME, And The "CIA/FBI/IRAN". These Letters ARE NOW On "Declassified Status". Letters Will Be Published EXACTLY As Written "Previously".