May Peace Be Upon You.
It is TIME to call upon AS MANY Lawyers as "YOU" Can.
As I GOD Prophesized to the Muslim Brotherhood that "there WILL be a time where Lawyers MUST be called forth, Muslim, Christian, Jew etc (Indian, Korean whatever)".
So I (GOD) now thank the Muslim Brotherhood for holding onto the Crest that I GOD lent them.
I GOD will NOW take it back.
Every Muslim Brotherhood Member MUST GO! NOW!
For a Curse has come upon Egypt, Nevertheless, Isreal.
I GOD was able to STOP the Current of "Waters" of MY Power, Patch up the Holes (In The "Hypothetical Dam" Which Holds Back MY Power) and STOP the Flow.
("You" "People" Were Makin ME, GOD, Angry, So The Power Which Is The HOLY SPIRIT Was Flowing Out Of ME! GOD! And Almost Destroyed "You" ALL)
So fall to "YOUR" Faces in Prayer and thank I, GOD for MY Mercy!
There are things ALOT worse "things" than DEATH that "YOU" DO NOT know about.
This is why I GOD AM pushing back these Waters so "EVERYONE" does NOT Drown.
I GOD will Enter a Period of Meditation Now.
(This Was A WHILE AGO).
So DO NOT Disturb ME.
For do "YOU" NOT want me to STOP this current?
(The "Current" Being MY Power Which Is Represented By Water Being Held Back By A Dam Which Is MY "Restraint").
Nevertheless, I GOD AM Relaxing. Sipping on a Can of Fresh, Crisp Tasting Coca Cola.
That Is All.
Communications Declassified - BOOK ONE
Non-FictionThese ARE Communications Made Between ME, And The "CIA/FBI/IRAN". These Letters ARE NOW On "Declassified Status". Letters Will Be Published EXACTLY As Written "Previously".