May Peace Be Upon You.
When it comes to the "Women of Iran", I GOD do not want to leave ANY of "them" out, because ALL OF "THEM" are BEAUTIFUL!
Skinny or a Little Heavy Set, ANY of these "Women" can be a GREAT BRIDE so the POSSIBILITIES are ENDLESS.
I GOD WILL Explain: These "Heavy Set Women" Are GOOD for Massages. A "Heavy Set Woman" Around 200-300 Pounds is GREAT for having "Them" Walk on "Your" back when it's STIFF and FULL OF KNOTS.
For the PRESSURE of having a Heavy Set "Woman" walking on "your" back RELEASES all the TENSION by INCREASING BLOOD FLOW and Untightening Muscles.
A Skinny, Light Weight "Woman" is NO GOOD for having "them" Walk on "Your" Back.
For the Skinny "Woman" is Light Weight, So When "She" stands on "your" Back "She" cannot put enough pressure on "your" Muscles, so "they" will remain TIGHT and FULL OF TENSION.
When "Your" back HURTS, CALL OVER a "Heavy Set Woman" to come to "YOUR" House and Walk On "Your" Back. It will Feel like a Blessing to "You" when "She" Is DONE Walking All Over "you".
"You" will FEEL like a "NEW MAN", Rejuvenated with NO PAIN. So have this "Heavy Set Woman" Walk on "Your" Back When "You" are STRESSED or After "You" Come Home from a Hard Days Work.
"You" should have a "Heavy Set Woman" around at all times if "you" are always in a STRESSFUL SITUATION. All that UNRELEASED TENSION in "your" back leads to HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE.
High Blood Pressure will Lead to Strokes, Heart Attacks and Brain Aneurysms.
Marrying a "Heavy Set Woman" Means "You" can get these LIFE SAVING WALKS on "Your" back EVERYDAY at ANYTIME.
Nevertheless! A "Heavy Set Woman" is REALLY SOFT like a pillow and usually has LARGE Breasts.
So after "She" is finished Walking on "Your" Back "You" can Lay on "Her" Belly or Bossom and Fall Asleep.
There are many things a "Heavy Set Woman" can do for "you" and be benefitial for "your family".
Heavy Set or Tall "Woman" are NOT easily intimidated, so "they" can protect "your children". "People" usually FEAR "Heavy Set Women" because "they" are sometimes as STRONG as a "Man". Having a "Heavy Set Woman" As A "Mother" to "Your Childen", Means "Your Kids" will be Safe and Sound.
There is NOTHING WRONG with a Skinny "Woman" Either. Skinny "Women" have Nice Curves. "They" also are Quick, Nimble and can fit through SMALL SPACES.
If "Your" Bride is Skinny, "You" Can EASILY pick "her" up if "she" falls down and gets injured and take "her" to a place to get medical attention.
"Skinny Woman" also can HIDE better in the wilderness, so "they" can hide and surpise "people" easier.
Skinny "Women" EAT LESS, so having a "Skinny Woman" as a Bride will have a less financial burden on "you". For the "Skinny Woman" can SURVIVE with LITTLE Amounts of Food and is NOT Greedy.
A "Skinny Woman" with a NICE BUTT and BREASTS is a Beautiful Sight Indeed.
PETITE "WOMEN" can hide in SMALL places. So if "you" need to fit a Small "Woman" "somewhere", for "whatever reason", a petite woman is a good choice.
Also "Every Woman" of Iran is different and can do different things and have different skills.
"You" should always take "your" time and choose a "woman" that will be useful for whatever purpose "you" want to accomplish.
Also MAKE SURE that "you" LOVE each other before MARRAIGE. TRUE LOVE forms a UNBREAKABLE BOND.
All Iran "Woman", of Every Kind and Shape look So BEAUTIFUL to ME.
I GOD Just want to KISS them from Head to Toe, Caress "them" and EAT THEM UP like a Candy Bar.
So "Men" of Iran, "You" should feel Blessed to have such GORGEOUS "WOMEN" by "your" side as Lovers and "Wives".
LOVE and Cherish "Your" Woman for "They" are SPECIAL and SHINE like RARE Gemstones.
There is NO monetary value "you" can put on a "Woman" of Iran, "They" are TRULY Priceless!
That Is All.
Communications Declassified - BOOK ONE
Non-FictionThese ARE Communications Made Between ME, And The "CIA/FBI/IRAN". These Letters ARE NOW On "Declassified Status". Letters Will Be Published EXACTLY As Written "Previously".